A choice

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Jasmine sighed in the warm waters that were helping with her aching body at the moment, she needed this after the shitshow she had to go through with Lila and Alya to resolve the situation about the destroyed dresses, once Alya entered the room and sat down, Katsuki explained what happened, he told her that servants went into Chloe and Mari's room to clean up a bit while also grabbing there make-up and hair styling equipment to help Jasmine get ready... It was the last time anyone went into the rooms before Mari and Chloe went in to get ready only to then find there dresses destroyed, none of the servants went back inside for anything or to do any deeper cleaning so they were safe.

"As a result someone left your group, went into Marinette and Chloe's rooms, destroyed the dresses, decided to add you in the blame by leaving something of yours behind and then came back" he explained with a faint glare, Alya became quiet nervous about the whole thing and didn't really know where to start with her defence in this whole situation Lila is putting her through, Jasmine then lightly tapped on her husbands arm and took over "Now then Lila is on her way here to speak her side but before that we would like to hear your side of the story" she explained making Alya nod in understanding and began to explain her side with the evidence she had.

She brought up first the charm that was found at the scene and reminded them that she had discovered her phone charm missing two days prior, she reminded them how it was Max and Kim who first noticed it was missing from her phone "We all began to look for it, Adrien said he could just buy me a better one while Lila said it was a waste of time and how it was long gone by then" she explained making them both nod to her words as she then continued, she explained how in the end she decided to give up on finding it and planned to buy a new one once home, then explained how she remembered Lila excusing herself from the group as they were arriving to the celebration and came back a while later "Then a moment after we walked in Adrien said he forgot something in his room and would be back soon" she said making them both nod to her words.

"Well then... She isn't lying" Katsuki said making Jasmine nod as Alya looked relieved at his words as Jasmine then spoke "Everyone in the class said the same thing about Lila and Adrien leaving the group... So we believe Adrien stole your charm and place it there so you take the blame... So he is also on his way so he can tell us what happened" she explained making Alya nod in understanding as Jasmine asked to stay calm and not react to anything they say, a while later Lila and Adrien were brought into the room, they sat down while Adrien looked pissed and Lila looked nervous... Clearly Jasmine used her nightmare powers on Lila during the night to make her talk today which made Alya nervous, Jasmine and Katsuki had a cold expression on there faces "Now then... Lila? Care to explain what happened in Chloe and Mari's rooms? I do hope that your time in the dungeon has made you understand your situation" Jasmine hissed as the Italian flinched.

But she nodded and admitted to leaving the group with the excuse of going to the bathroom but actually went to Chloe's room to trash as many dresses as she could "I didn't notice my earring fell... I thought I lost it so I went back to my room to change earrings... But I don't know who went into Mari's room to trash it since the door was closed when I left" she explained making Jasmine nod and then... She glared at Adrien but Katsuki spoke "You Adrien Agreste were the only other person who left the group for a while... With the excuse of forgetting something in your room... So what happened exactly?" he growled as Adrien tried to keep up a glare on his face, but he struggled from what Alya could tell... And then to her shock he began to lie, he lied about seeing Alya removing the charm from her phone on purpose to make everyone look for it so to not have a reason to be a target, then lied about pointing it out and her threatening him, then he lied about seeing her sneak away and finding her in Mari's room destroying the dresses.

Alya felt so much anger boiling inside of her, she was so angry that she didn't hear Lila claim he was lying and pointing out how she saw Mari's room door had been closed the whole time so it was impossible for Adrien to see inside the room, but the boy continued to push with his claims being the truth no matter what, she only snapped out of it when she heard Katsuki's booming voice order them to be quiet, once they were all quiet and looking at him he spoke "From what I understand... Lila has admitted to destroying Chloe's belongings and as such will be staying until she has paid off the damages" he said making Lila nod and is then guided outside to be escorted to her new room.

But now it was Alya and Adrien...

She knew she was innocent and that Adrien was lying... But with no way of proving anything she was stuck, she turned towards Jasmine who smiled towards her "I believe Alya though... I know she is telling the truth and Adrien is lying and trying to escape his punishment... So I believe keeping him here and making him work while speaking to his father about this situation to decide what to do next is perfect" she said making Katsuki nod while Adrien screamed against it all... He was then dragged away leaving Alya with the rulers "So... What happens next for me? I broke something so I need to pay for it right?" she asked making Jasmine giggle "Adrien already paid for that... So you can leave with the rest of the class now" Jasmine said while moving to lean towards her face "But the next time you destroy something precious to us... I will make sure that the only option your parents have is to sell you to us as a slave" she growled making Alya nod and run out.

Now that it was resolved... Jasmine was drained and needed some time to herself to relax, Lila was already working hard and silently surprisingly but it didn't matter because she wasn't done making her suffer... And then there was Adrien who pissed and just as they gave him his chores he fought back which was giving Jasmine a terrible headache while pregnant, after a while she felt hands in her hair and she turned to find her alpha moving things around to wash her hair gently "Once you contact his father... Everything will be over for him" he said making her smile and nod as he wasn't wrong... Gabriel Agreste was under her control and he will do anything she wanted since he didn't have anyone else, he lost his wife due to a plane accident as she was returning from a movie shoot and hasn't dated since.

His wife does have a twin sister who had a son with her late husband who died to cancer... So she might do something for them if they were interested once she got into contact with them, but for now she sighed as Katsuki took care of her, but in the end they were safe for now from anyone who could put a stop to her plans "I'll be contacting mister Agreste about the situation with his son... Then i'll contact miss Rossi about how much will be enough to buy Lila" she said making Katsuki nod silently making her smile towards him, by now Caline with the class have left while Lila and Adrien stay behind to work to pay off the damages they caused... She knew that Lila would accept her fate but Adrien will fight until the very end which didn't matter to her one bit as she would enjoy breaking his mind.

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