Cerise reports in

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Back when Cerise was Lila Rossi... It was easy to trick others into believing her lies, in fact it sometimes shocked her how easily others believed her... But now as Cerise Bianca she had to use what she knew to make her old classmates to trust her enough to talk to her about things that they wouldn't tell anyone who they didn't trust. It took a while but soon she was able to get to Alix and had her talk, which was a little tricky since she had to do a bit of research on things she knew she liked and what she hated so that she can have her talking... And to see what she can slowly get out of her before targeting the others in the class.

After she got her to trust her... Alix brought her to the others which made her smile as she quickly got them to trust her. She did talk to Alya and the girl only admitted to the things she did to Jasmine... And talked about her as Lila Rossi "Her lies just... Sounded so real you know? I wasn't thinking at all and I just believed everything she said to me" she explained making Cerise nod in understanding. Of course her lies sounded so real... She made them sound like that with little effort because of how stupid the class was and they fell for it, as she kept talking with everyone... Kim decided to reveal to her a plan he was secretly making on his own "It's to get back at Jasmine for what she's put us through... But for now the others don't know about it since i'm still working on it" he had explained to her.

Cerise saw this as something to report to Jasmine to make her happy and she decided to try and have Kim tell her more about his plan. He of course falls for her words and tells her the plan so far... Which was stupid considering the powers she had thanks to the fairy blessings she got after being crowned queen... But she wasn't going to tell him that and instead listened while at times asking him questions about parts of the plan for more details. After a while she lied to leave and return home where Momo waited for her while making something to eat "I need to contact the king and queen... I got something" she said which made Momo stop what she was doing to look at her... And smirked "Good... I was wondering when one of them would be stupid enough to start talking" she said and then walked away to her room.

Cerise didn't have to wait too long for Momo. She came back with an orb "It's a communication orb. It can only connect with the orb the king and queen have so someone there will answer and get them once you ask and explain" she said making Cerise nod and take the orb to her room. Momo had left her a note that told her how to activate it so she now knew how to use it, she sat down at her desk after setting the orb on it "Contact the Flame kingdom" she said and the orb reacting to the command began to glow, Cerise waited a while until she saw a servant answering "Yes? Who is this and what is the reason for your call?" the servant asked making smile "I am Cerise Bianca... And i'm calling because I have news that the queen will want to hear about" she said which made the servant look at her with wide eyes before running off somewhere.

She knew it was so she could get Jasmine so she simply waited there, she decided to pull out a few things and went to write down what she uncovered from Kim so she could be ready if he brought it up again to her at some point because he wanted to tell her more about. A little while later, Jasmine and Katsuki arrive making her smile "I hope this report is as good as I was informed it would be" she said making Cerise nod "I have been in contact with those who followed me and have been talking to them. From what I could understand Alya is only with them because they make her... I plan to try and have her go to therapy and slowly join your friends" she explained making Jasmine nod "I will inform my friends of your identity and mission so they can be ready" she explained making Cerise nod in understanding.

She knew that at some point more will know she was Lila... But still she had to give her report "I was able to get Kim to talk... So far he is the only one who hasn't changed and he is planning on harming you" she explained which resulted in Katsuki growling and Jasmine raising a brow "What is the plan?" she asked "I don't know the entire plan as he is still working on it... But so far he plans on reaching out to you to come to the surface for a party... And then plans on ruining your outfit while on a livestream as he with the others after getting them to agree reveal everything they believe you have done" she explained which made Jasmine smile "I find this plan amusing to be honest... For it is a stupid plan I can easily ruin within seconds before it even happens" she said making Cerise nod.

"I'm thinking or making up fake ideas for his plan that by using your blessing can turn it around on him and the others" Cerise says and she got the reaction she was hoping for... The two grinned at her words "Do it... And make sure to let us know in advance when he want's to have it happen so we can get started on things from our end before he contacts my mate" Katsuki said making Cerise nod before the orb went dark which told her that they ended her call to them. Grabbing her notebook, she began to write down ideas of lies to tell Kim to 'help' him with his little plan, she wrote it in the same notebook that she wrote his plan in so far and planned on changing some ideas as he develops his plan and tells her about it.

She just hopes he tells her everything... Cause she wants to see the look on his face when Jasmine ruins him...

Jasmine and Katsuki returned to there room with smiles on there faces. Everything was going perfectly... Very soon Kim will suffer because of his actions "Should do something to his parents?" she asked making Katsuki smirk "Yeah... He should be on the streets" he said making her nod in agreement. Once in there room, Katsuki went to check on there pup while Jasmine got into contact with Kim's parents... Where she made them transfer any money that was either his or for him to her, donate or sell his things... And then forget he ever existed. She smiled the whole time she instructed them with this information "You never had a son. You were in fact expecting a daughter but she was sadly stillborn and you are still mourning your sweet little Kimberly" she informed them as they looked dazed as she spoke.

Once she was done, she ended the call knowing they would quickly get to work with everything. She didn't care about the shock and pain he will be in from his new situation... But at least he will be gone from her problems. Now she just needed Cerise's new report about the situation and go from there, but in the meantime she's going to relax with her new life "Omega? I think Yumeko want's you right now" she heard Katsuki say as he slowly walked over with a slightly fussy pup. Jasmine smiled and went over to hold there daughter "I think she just want's both of her parents right now" she said making Katsuki chuckle as Yumeko calmed down... And went to sleep in her arms "So... What did you do to his parents?" he asked making her smirk "Instead of having him... They think they were having a daughter and lost her... He'll return home to nothing relating to him or proof he lived there" she said making him laugh.

"I wish I could see the look on his face when his parents claim to not know him when he walks in and tries to tell them he's there son" he said making Jasmine giggle in agreement... But sadly it wasn't time for her to go back up to the surface. She had to wait a little longer before doing so... But she did plan on returning to show herself and what she's doing now in life, she knew that Chloe wanted her at an event her parents hosts at some point but it would have to wait for now "It might not be anytime soon that I will go back up to the surface... But I know I will return to Paris at some point" she said making Katsuki smile towards her before holding her close "Then let's be patient... And wait for our golden opportunity" he said making her smile and nod.

Yes... They would wait for that day to come... For now though... Jasmine will study and train hard to become an amazing queen... And then... When that day comes... At long last... She will return to Paris... And make the ones who didn't change suffer...

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