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He was tall and obviously an alpha with his scent of gunpowder and spice, she really liked it as it also made her feel safe, his blonde spiky hair and ruby red eyes made him look like a god and her inner omega just wanted to carry his pups right now, she stands there frozen in shock as the alpha walked up to her and gently takes hold of her chin "You really worried us, when we found you... Healers thought you might not wake up anytime soon. But i'm glad to see you are better now. I am Katsuki Bakugo king of the kingdom of flames" he explained making her nod slowly to his words, she knew about the fact she had fallen into water... But the fact that she wasn't well when found... Meant she had fallen into a small drop.

The demon moved to sit down and signaled to her to join him "Had to heavily scent you and warm you up every once in a while to make sure you got better" he said making her look down "I'm sorry for causing you trouble" she said making him sigh and then gently pat her on the head, she looked up to see him smiling towards her softly which surprised her greatly "It's fine... But I do wish to know how you fell into our world like you did... The ones guarding the tunnel to our world should have told you not to go into a tunnel" he explained making her sigh and nod "I was pushed into the tunnel... There's a girl who lies all the time and she accused me of things and got me pushed into a tunnel" she explained.

In an instant his scent got stronger which made her jump as he loudly growled at her words "Those fucking stupid humans! Why try and harm one another like that!?" he shouted in anger which made her whimper at the shouting, she never liked it when people yelled around her... It scares her greatly and so she curled up on herself and whimpered quietly, soon the growls stop and gently she is lifted by the alpha and seated on his lap, she was a bit surprised by the action but accepted it "I'm sorry for scaring you... I will try to do better" he explained making her slowly nod to his kind words.

She has never been spoken to so gently and softly like that in all of her life... Except from her friends but that was beside the point... The point was that he cared about her right now, he then began to feed her the food that was served for them to enjoy, he pointed out what was what and what certain dishes tasted like, she ended up eating very well before getting sleepy, he faintly chuckled and then picked her up to carry her back to her room, she slowly drifted to sleep as she was changed and then put to bed... Barely hearing what Katsuki was saying to someone in the room, she then fell into the world of dream while her hair was gently being stroked by a hand that was gentle.

When she woke up once more it was to the sight of the pixie's flying around the room, she sat up and watched them for a while until one noticed that she was awake "Good your awake! The king requested you to come see him once your ready" she said making her nod as she got out of bed and was brought to the bathroom to be cleaned up before being dressed in an outfit they picked out for her. The omega was confused though and what the king wanted to see her... Maybe to take her back to the surface? That was a possibility to be honest but she didn't know for sure hence why she was wondering what the king wanted with her as she soon walked out of the room.

 Maybe to take her back to the surface? That was a possibility to be honest but she didn't know for sure hence why she was wondering what the king wanted with her as she soon walked out of the room

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