Birth of the heir

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Almost a year went by since Adrien and Lila were kept with them as punishment to there crimes during there stay, Adrien fought the whole time and ordered to speak to his father the second they walked past him a few days after the class left, he was allowed but Gabriel simply told him to not call his father as he sold him to Jasmine and Katsuki and disowned him... Lila's mom had done the same, so Jasmine and Katsuki had the documents on the two of them and could do whatever they want with them and the two had no choice but to obey them, it caused Adrien to be very quiet and obedient since then but Jasmine knows that Katsuki doesn't want him to stay in the kingdom for much longer.

It wasn't because Adrien wasn't listening or anything... But more of the fact he was watching Jasmine and was seen going into there room a few times, Katsuki was certain that Adrien was planning something but didn't know what it was for now, as a result he was working on selling Adrien to the highest bidder without a care in the world on what will happen to him once sold, as for Lila well... They didn't know if they would sell her or keep her in the end, she was working hard and was listening to them without speaking a word which bothered Jasmine slightly, for now they decided to simply keep an eye on Lila and see what she does or tries to do before making a choice on her fate.

After that, Jasmine went and checked on the people she now controls to keep her bullies who followed Lila in line... She did of course release Alya's family but only after making sure they were informed of Alya's bully actions because Lila lied to her, she would be punished by them at least and she hopes that Alya learns a valuable lesson from this whole thing, if she doesn't well... It won't be hard to regain control on her family and make them throw her out, in fact each family of the classmates who bullied her due to Lila's lies each have a specific word that will bring them back under her control if she were to release them at some point... As a result she could release them one day and out of boredom speak the word to control them again and make them do anything she want's.

Katsuki likes this because even though she might forgive the class one day... He won't ever forgive them and want's them all to suffer in the end... Which is why Katsuki want's to sell Adrien to someone who will really make him suffer, he knows that the next time they see him he will be in a really bad condition, this is what a slave will go through when sold... They often get starved, are made to do hard chores, get beaten if they make a mistake or fail to complete a task, are used and barely get any sleep, this is why Katsuki doesn't have any since he doesn't like how slaves look once put to work, as a result he doesn't want her to see any and so doesn't allow a slave inside for as long as he can allow it which she has accepted.

 They often get starved, are made to do hard chores, get beaten if they make a mistake or fail to complete a task, are used and barely get any sleep, this is why Katsuki doesn't have any since he doesn't like how slaves look once put to work, as a...

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Now she was in her bathroom relaxing in her bath, Izuku had left for the kitchens to get a tray of food for her while Ochako was selecting her outfit when she get's out... Leaving her with the pixie's to care for her, some were taking care of her hair while others were washing her body... The few doing neither went and got her what she asked for, after a while they finished taking care of her so she relaxed in the water with them staying close but relaxing with her when she winces in pain all of a sudden, this of course surprised her as she didn't know what happened to make her feel pain, but then it passed and she relaxed once more... But the pixie's weren't relaxing anymore "Let's get you out and in bed" Frost says making the others agree with her.

Not wanting to cause trouble while confused she nods and slowly get's out of the bath, once wrapped in her robe, she was only able to take three steps before she stops because of the pain, she was starting to get scared at this as she didn't know what was going... And then she heard a splash, slowly she looked down "Can... One of you get my alpha and the healers... My water just broke" she said making the pixie's nod and quickly began to fly around to do as she asked while she got back to work on getting to bed, Ochako at that moment came over... But when she saw the liquid on the floor she moved to help her queen into bed "Let's get you comfy in your nest before you start pushing" she said making Jasmine nod slowly as she winces from the pain.

She didn't think she would be giving birth now, she was certain she still had time before she goes into labor but from the look of it things weren't going her way, Ochako was doing her best to help her with only the pixie's but it was clear she ne...

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She didn't think she would be giving birth now, she was certain she still had time before she goes into labor but from the look of it things weren't going her way, Ochako was doing her best to help her with only the pixie's but it was clear she needed more help, at that moment Izuku came rushing in with Katsuki and the healers who brought as much as they could that was needed for the birth of the pup, Katsuki moved to her side quickly enough as he knew she would need his support right now, he nuzzled and scented her as she was moved a bit around to help her as much as he could with the pain she was slowly going through "Everything is going to be alright Jasmine. Soon were going to meet our pup" he said making her look at him with a smile and a short nod.

After that it was a waiting game, Jasmine wasn't dilated enough to start pushing so all they could do is wait and hope that it will be time soon to push, Katsuki had to watch his mate in pain as she goes through the contractions and he simply kept himself at her side while unable to do anything to help her through the pain she was in, Katsuki got the idea to use some magic or potions but the healers refused while claiming that they could cause complications or have a negative effect as she tries to give birth... So they waited, after a while it was decided that trying to have Jasmine walk around could help in speeding things up so she can give birth at long last so Katsuki moved to help his omega up and helped her walk around for a bit.

Walking down the hall and back to there room ending up being the right thing to do because when they returned her to bed it was confirmed that she could push at long last, so Katsuki held her hand as she pushed as hard as she could with each contraction, the alpha held her hand the whole time and didn't even let go as the cries coming from there pup were heard, Jasmine asked him however to go take hold of there pup and tell her the gender... So he moved away to take hold of there child and returned with a bright smile "It's a girl" he said making her smile brightly as the healers worked to take care of her until she was treated and they could leave her for a while.

The pixies flew around to do a few tasks while Ochako and Izuku moved around to prepare what they would need now with there daughter, they held her together but Katsuki watched as Jasmine slowly drifted to sleep making Katsuki chuckle and held her get comfortable before going to sleep with her and there pup... They could talk about names tomorrow instead, they had time to decide on the name because they could announce the birth and name of there daughter at anytime and no one would care in the end as they would still be told when she was born before showing her to there people and everyone will be happy and excited to see her grow into an amazing princess.

It would all be well in the end...

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