Further courting and preparations

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After his first courting gift... Katsuki began to gift Jasmine with more things to enjoy and to show her how determined he was to have her as his queen, she even started to wear luxurious clothes making many around her watch as she walks by them, they would bow to her as they knew she would become there queen but Katsuki... He would scent her each time she came by to see him or she walked by him, she really loved the attention to be honest and wondered what the next gift that Katsuki had for her would be.

Currently she was in her room, the eighteen pixies who worked for her were flying around happily as she named them, usually a pixie doesn't have a name as it will bound them to whoever gives them a name... But they were more than happy to be bound to Jasmine, they were just talking about the names she had given them which made her smile at them, she then went to look at herself in the mirror as Sky and Luna came over to her "What's on your mind my queen?" Luna asked while Sky began to play with the omega's hair, the other pixie's heard and decided to fly over to join.

 But they were more than happy to be bound to Jasmine, they were just talking about the names she had given them which made her smile at them, she then went to look at herself in the mirror as Sky and Luna came over to her "What's on your mind my ...

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She smiled at them "I was just thinking about Katsuki... I'm excited to see him again" she explained making them all awe at her, they began to work on her hair together by combing it or braiding some of it to style it in an updo making her smile at how cute she looked now, with her hair styled and her dress... She looked like a princess, she stood up and walked over to the door "Shall we go see him?" she asked making the pixies giggle but follow her out and into the many halls of the castle to find her future mate, she was very excited to see him right now but she did wonder where he was currently.

But the pixies promised that they knew of his current location "Just leave it to us!" said Ruby as Bell landed on Jasmine's shoulder with grace "Yes, please let us guide you to him. He will be so pleased by our hard work with your hair and safely taking you to him" she said making Jasmine smile and nod to them as two flew in front of her to take her to the correct path, Jasmine then saw even more paintings and things around the halls then she had seen before which amazed her greatly as the pixies soon brought her to familiar doors "He's in here" Ruby said making the omega smile and nod before gently knocking and then opening the door to look inside.

"Katsuki?" she spoke up making him look up from some papers he was reading over, when his eyes landed on her he smiles and nods to her making her smile and rush in to get to his side, to see the omega he want's as his mate made him so happy to be ...

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"Katsuki?" she spoke up making him look up from some papers he was reading over, when his eyes landed on her he smiles and nods to her making her smile and rush in to get to his side, to see the omega he want's as his mate made him so happy to be with her for a moment instead of working right now "Did you need something?" he asked making her giggle as she smiles towards him "I was just hoping to see you for a moment before your too busy to be with me" she explained making him look a little sad to her words, he didn't want to make her sad any longer then she currently is as he then get's an idea.

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