The party

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The omega slowly opened her eyes with a yawn, today was the day of the party and she was excited as soon she would be married to Katsuki and crowned queen... After the incident with removing Adrien from the party and banishing Alya from the kingdom the class became quiet and obedient to her words and anyone from the castle who spoke to them, Lila was even more quiet than usual but she didn't mind since she was annoying with her lies, thanks to that plans have gone perfectly and now today everyone was getting ready for the party since yesterday the class all got there outfits for the party.

Of course some complained a little about it not being what they hoped... But a simple glare and reminder on what happened to Alya shut them up quickly enough, she slowly got up in bed and found that her alpha left her room early to get ready which she understood, she got out of bed and moved around with a smile as a knock is heard on her door "Come in" she said and moments later the door opens to let in Ochako and Izuku, both looking ready to help her get ready for the party before they do the same for themselves, they were to enjoy the party while watching over her "Good morning, ready to get ready?" Izuku asked making her smile and nod.

 But a simple glare and reminder on what happened to Alya shut them up quickly enough, she slowly got up in bed and found that her alpha left her room early to get ready which she understood, she got out of bed and moved around with a smile as a k...

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"Hello Ochako and hello to you Izuku but yes I am ready" she replied making the two nod, they then began to move around to get things started, Izuku moved to her bathroom while Ochako went into her closet... It was important that everything was perfect on her because she was the main sight for the party, as a result it was important for her to look her best for tonight, she got into the bath once it was ready and allowed herself to be pampered at the moment, she had bubbles in the bath, some amazing oils and flower petals to make the scent amazing for her making her very happy.

Izuku began to wash her hair gently as there was a long routine for her hair to make it gorgeous... Which she didn't mind as it was always worth it in the end, but also Izuku did it so well that he could match Katsuki when he washes her hair, he always did something to it that made it feel so fresh and smell amazing throughout the day and night like he did magic to her hair in secret "Let's make me smell fruity for tonight" she chirped making Izuku chuckle as he got the body products that would do what she wanted, she had a variety of products with different scents which resulted in her able to pick what she wanted to use for that day she was washing herself.

Soon enough Ochako walked into the bathroom saying that her outfit choices for the party were set out in her closet and so she would be able to pick one and they would work to get her ready, she nodded as Ochako moved to begin scrubbing her body to help her get ready for tonight "I wonder who won't wear there outfit... I know Lila will do something but I don't want to guess and jinx it in the end" she said making the two sex demons laugh "Oh... I'm certain one or two of the boys won't wear there suits while two girls with Lila won't obey" Ochako claimed making Izuku laugh as they soon finished cleaning her so the omega could go into her closet to pick her outfit.

 I'm certain one or two of the boys won't wear there suits while two girls with Lila won't obey" Ochako claimed making Izuku laugh as they soon finished cleaning her so the omega could go into her closet to pick her outfit

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