The time has come

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It had been a month since Cerise went to the surface for her mission... And a month since Mitsuki returned, things have changed in that month and Katsuki was happy since it was all done by Jasmine. His amazing queen has helped there people with amazing changes that helped them in there day to day life and they couldn't be any happier, Yumeko was a very happy baby who he loved to care for with his sweet omega... But now they had work to do... And that was to take care of his dear old sire Mitsuki once and for all. He had waited long enough to do this... And he was going to make sure she pays for what she did to his dam and there people behind his back, he was no longer too young to understand anything she was doing... Now he knew everything and would make her regret ever doing anything.

"Are you alright alpha? You look a little... Anxious?" Jasmine asked as she got dressed. He knew she would ask at some point... He had simply hoped it would be later "I simply wish to end my sire quickly... I don't desire to watch her living for long" he explained making her nod in understanding, the last thing either of them would want is for Mitsuki to live long enough to know things and escape to try anything... As a result they kept her locked up and in the dark about anything and everything that was happening outside where she was staying. He knew that Jasmine was using the fairy gifts to harm Mitsuki without moving from where she was... And could tell she was enjoying it all since she would grin sometimes when nothing was happening and so he knew the reason behind her smile.

"Should I dress in a specific way? I don't want to insult our people with what I'm wearing" she then said making Katsuki smile towards her "It will be fine... Just wear what you think is right... But if you want I can take a look at it and give you my opinion" he offered making Jasmine smile and nod to his words before moving away to look over a few dresses she has. He chuckled towards her before going back to getting himself ready for this... He does however wonder what she will pick out to show him considering she has multiple outfits that will be perfect for her to wear today for this... Especially considering he couldn't wait to take it off her once his sire was dead and gone from there lives "Okay. What do you think of this outfit?" he heard his omega say making him look over to her and grinned.

 What do you think of this outfit?" he heard his omega say making him look over to her and grinned

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She looked amazing in the dress she picked out. It was perfect in his eyes "I want to undress you and fuck you right now instead of ending my sire" he said making her laugh at his words "Sadly alpha we need to do this... But once were done and in our room you can" she said making him chuckle towards her. He got up and slowly walked over to her and gently lifted her into his arms "Then let's finish this once and for all" he said making her grin and nod towards him. He carried her out of there room and brought her outside where two seats were prepared for them, Jasmine understood they for them but she didn't want to sit in one and be separated from Katsuki. So as he was about to set her in a seat... She whimpered making him stop.

He looked at her for a moment... And then moved to take his seat with her in his lap. She kissed him on the cheek while he nuzzled her which made the omega giggle, they stayed like this for a moment before they were informed that Mitsuki was being brought out to be told her crimes. Soon, a demon walked a little away from her after she was forced to kneel before the people who came to see this happen. The demon named her and then recited each of the crimes Mitsuki committed as king and after Katsuki dethroned her... Many were disgusted with what she did in the past while others were horrified to find out the things she did "To think she would cause so much pain to the people she swore to protect... And blame it all on others" Jasmine mumbled as she scented Katsuki to keep him calm.

After a while, as Mitsuki's crimes are revealed... Many demanded for her death, others demanded to be returned what she took from them... Some even ordered for her to be branded as a slave to serve them. Jasmine listened to all of there demands in silence with a cold expression on her face... All the while Mitsuki looked between enraged and horrified by there screams for justice, she then turned to look at her son... And her eyes landed on the omega he married "This is all your fault you piece of shit! Your nothing but a useless human who will soon die... Leaving my son to find concubines to satisfy his needs that you would never be able to take care of!" she screamed. She screamed multiple profanities but people began throwing things at her calling her names in return.

Jasmine didn't care about her words as they were empty and lies... But Katsuki was enraged by them, how dare that woman insult his mate who has carried there lovely daughter to this world and she dared insult his mate. He got up with his omega in his arms and gently set her down in his seat which surprised and confused her, he then moved and headed inside to be outside where his sire was a little later. The crowd goes silent as he walked over to his sire who watched him with clear hope in her eyes that he would save her at long last... But he instead punched her so hard... That her head ripped off her body. The people cheered about her death as Katsuki silently went back inside... Leaving Jasmine to worry about him and how he felt at the moment from everything that just happened.

She quickly went inside to look for him but she was stopped by a servant "Your mate has explained he was going out for a ride... And asked that you not go after him" he explained making her sigh and nod as she returned to there room to rest for a while... She didn't know when he would come back but she hoped things would be alright when he returns home to her and there daughter who needed him in her life. Knocking on the door was what woke her up. She knew Katsuki wasn't there since he would simply enter the room... So it had to be a servant at the door knocking for her to answer... So she slowly got out of bed and went to answer... And found Mina looking really happy about something.

"It's Cerise. She just contacted us with a report... And it's a really good one"

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