Gorillaz - Day 1 : Unilateral Cleft Lip - 2D/Ace

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever you see fit) in which either one or both of the characters in the pairing (romantic, platonic, whatever) has a unilateral cleft lip

2D's scarred lip was far from the oddest thing about his appearance, but that didn't mean it was unnoticeable. Murdoc loved to poke fun at him for his appearance and Noodle loved to ask him questions. He didn't mind the questions (and eventually stopped caring about the shit Murdoc would say about it), but it did make hanging out with them a bit tiring at points- And Russel was just... Weird.

That's part of why he loved Ace so much, and always quietly dreaded the day when Murdoc would return from prison and Ace would leave. Along with his generally great personality and stunning optics, Ace never mentioned it. He saw 2D like he would any other guy. Of course, 2D wasn't like all other guys and Ace accommodated him in situations where he got overwhelmed or misgendered, but those things didn't change how he saw the blue-haired man, nor did his lip.

2D had a scar trailing out from his left nostril and a slightly malformed lip, yes. He was trans, yes. He was on the spectrum, yes. But those factors were no more a factor in Ace's perception of him than his hair color or his weird eyes.

He loved 2D for who he was, and that's why they got along so well.

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