IANOWT (Netflix) - Day 13 : Water Fountain - Stan & Syd

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever the author sees fit) in which a character has a cleft palate (lip is optional) and because of that, water fountains are a bit tricky for them to use (the angle makes it so that the water goes upward into their nasal cavity)

"Do you have a water bottle, by chance?"

"Stan, there's a water fountain in the corner" Syd replied in the same annoyed, bored tone she always spoke in. It was lunchtime, and there was a perfectly accessible water fountain in the corner of the cafeteria. "Besides, you have milk"

"Yeah, but I'm dehydrated" he defended. "And my father will kill me if he needs to take me to the hospital cause I didn't drink enough water"

"Water fountain" Syd repeated, gesturing over to the appliance in the corner of the room. Stan sighed.

"I can't"

"You can't use a water fountain?"

"Okay, well" Stan backtracked. "Technically, I can, but it's really hard to, because of my..."

"The split in the roof of your mouth?" Syd prompted, vaguely remembering a conversation they'd had while high. Stan nodded, avoiding her gaze in embarrassment. She sighed and rolled her eyes, before taking his milk carton and walking away, ignoring his offended noise of protest.

She walked over to the water fountain, dumped the milk down it, rinsed out the excess milk, and then filled it with water before walking back to the table and handing it to her friend. "There" she told him as he accepted it into his hands. "A happy medium"


"Yeah" Syd replied with a chuckle as he downed the thing. "No problem, man"

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