Stranger Things - Day 25 : LGBT+ - Chrissy/Fred

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Content warning : The t slur is used. Author is trans so I can. Write that but thought I'd give a warning cause I know that word can be a trigger for people
Prompt : Character A is convinced that due to their cleft AND them being queer (so the dating pool is already very limited), no one would ever want to date them. Character B asks them out

Fred had long ago accepted that no one would ever want to date him.

Right off the bat, his scars. Alongside the scar on his cheek was a scarred and malformed upper lip, remnants of the cleft lip he had been born with. The cheek scar was also a reminder of the fact that he'd gotten a friend killed- Accident or not, who would want to date a killer?

Furthermore, he was trans. No girl would want a man with a girl's body, if they even saw him as a man in the first place. No straight girl at least... Surely not.

He knew this, which is why it made it all the more painful when he fell for the perfect Chrissy Cunningham. Jason had been eyeing her for a while, so Fred knew that he had absolutely zero chance (not that he would anyway, given the everything about him). No, she probably found him weird... Or gross.


He was leaving science class when suddenly the blonde walked up to him.

At first, he was sure she was going to walk past, going to her next class. After all, what business would she have talking to deformed, tranny killer Fred Benson?

"You're... Fred, right?" she asked, stopping in front of him. He swore he felt his jaw drop in surprise- Not only was the Chrissy Cunningham in fact speaking to him, but she was also using his preferred name. Was this some sick joke? Was Jason or one of his shitty friends waiting around the corner with a bulky camera, ready to film some embarrassment that came by him.

"Uh... Yes. Yeah, I- Yep" he stuttered out, gaining a chuckle from the girl. However, unlike pretty much every other instance of someone laughing in response to something he did, there was no malice in it. She wasn't laughing at him. It made him lower his guard a bit.

"I, uh... You're cool" Chrissy muttered out, a shakiness in her smile that made Fred feel a bit concerned. "I, just... Do you wanna get coffee sometime?"

"As a..."

"As a date, yeah"

What the fuck?

Surely he was hallucinating, right? Or dreaming? Or maybe this was a prank? There was no fucking way that Chrissy Head-Of-The-Cheer-Team Cunningham was asking Fred Killed-His-Friend Benson on a date.

"You're kidding" he muttered out, unable to process the situation. To his horror, Chrissy's smile dropped into a hurt frown.

"Okay" she said, sounding defeated. "Worth a shot, right? I'll go..."

"Wait, no, Chrissy" Fred grabbed her hand before she could walk away. "I'd love to, I just- This isn't you pulling a joke on me?"

"Why would I want to pull a joke on you?" Chrissy replied, confused. Fred couldn't help but smile at this, a small laugh erupting from his throat.

"Coffee... Friday?" he asked, relieved as he saw Chrissy relax with a small nod. "Okay. I'll see you then"

"See you Friday, Frederick"

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