Screwed Up - Day 18 : Ear Infection - Samuel/Adam

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Prompt : Character A (who has a cleft palate- lip is optional) gets an ear infection due to their cleft. Character B takes care of them

Adam woke up with a pain in his ear and internally panicked a bit. Because of his cleft, he'd gotten really severe ear infections when he was younger. He'd even gotten tubes in his ears when he was younger to make them stop because he'd been missing a lot of school with all the doctor's appointments, but now that he was older, he occasionally would still get them.

Normally, it wouldn't be too big of a deal. Sure, it hurt and only served to make his hearing progressively worse, but he just had to take some nasty medicine and he was usually better in a few days. However... He was in prison for probably the rest of his life, and the guards weren't exactly too caring of his medical needs. Sure, they were legally required to provide medical assistance if it was severe, but for things like an ear infection, there was this whole system to get his medication and it always took a good few days to get to him. This meant that he was now going to be stuck with this god-awful pain in his ear for a good few days.

"Adam, what's the face for?" Sam asked, seeing Adam's disgruntled expression as he sat up on his cot.

"Ear infection" the green-eyed inmate replied flatly, so much more unbothered than Sam would expect someone to be over such a thing.

"Oh, shit" Sam muttered, baffled at Adam's lack of concern. "Do you have like medicine or something for it?"

"I'm going to need to go to the medic's office and put in a request for it" Adam explained. "This happens every so often, so they have my prescription for it on file. It's gonna take a few days to get to me, though"

"Okay..." Sam replied, contemplating what to do. "Uh... Can I help in any way?"

"My hearing's gonna be especially not great until it's healed, and I'm gonna be in pain a lot so just be patient with me, I guess"

"Yes, sir"

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