Hellbound (Cartoon) - Day 17 : Underbite - Todd/Rafael

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever the author sees fit) where a character with a cleft has an underbite because of it (basically their bottom row of teeth sits in front of their top row of teeth) that hasn't been repaired yet

Rafael's jawline was a little crooked and uneven due to an underbite caused by an affliction he was born with, and it was something that he was vaguely insecure about. Not only was his jawline not as pronounced as a cis guy's, but it was also crooked.

Still, Todd loved him and, when they would stay up late, cuddled up in Rafael's bed, he would sometimes cup his hand over the side of Rafael's face. The first time he'd done this, Rafael had flinched back from surprise. He was horrendously touch-starved, so this sudden contact where he'd never been touched by another person had caught him severely off guard. However, over time, he'd eventually grown used to this sort of affection from the chef.

"You're beautiful" Todd muttered, accent especially heavy as he was tired. Rafael rolled his eyes at the compliment.

"My jawline is uneven and my side profile is fucking horrendous"

"Nonsense" Todd told him, leaning forward and pointedly giving the blue-eyed demon a kiss on his jaw. "I think you look absolutely stunning"

"Well, thank you, good sir" Rafael replied with a chuckle and a sincere smile. "For the record, you are also a treat to the eyes"

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