Cobra Kai - Day 20 : Attractive - Hawk/Moon

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Prompt : Character A has a cleft lip (palate is optional) and has long ago accepted that they won't ever be considered physically attractive because of their cleft (whether it's been repaired or not is up to the author). Character B challenges that notion

Eli had accepted that no one would ever find him attractive. How could they, what with his scarred upper lip being one of the first things you notice when you looked at his face.

Hawk did everything in his power to distract from that, just like Johnny had told him. He got a new haircut, a rad back tattoo, and a shitty new attitude that hurt his closest friend but made other people love him- Including Moon.

She didn't love how he was treating others, but she found his new confidence very attractive, and the pair quickly became a couple. That insecure kid still within Hawk was sobbing happy tears over the fact that a girl wanted to kiss him, but Hawk just kept a smirk on his face.

Eli was wrong, and Hawk couldn't be more thrilled.

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