Screwed Up - Day 21 : Words - Samuel/Adam

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Prompt : Write a fic exploring a character's (this character has a cleft lip and/or palate) thoughts, feelings, etc. on terms considered to be outdated or offensive regarding their cleft. A few examples would be : deformity, disfigurement, harelip. Keep in mind that none of these are slurs, just generally considered to be in poor taste by people in the community (in the same vein of how the word "transsexual" is widely considered outdated by people in the trans community but isn't actually a slur).

"Hey, Adam?" Sam asked as the pair went back into their cell. The ginger was still processing the fact that Adam had also killed, but that wasn't the only thing on his mind and, frankly, he didn't wanna talk about it at that second. "You seemed really agitated when teal-haired nightmare boy called you 'deformed'"

"Wasn't agitated" Adam told him firmly. Sam rolled his eyes. "It's not inherently derogatory or anything" he continued. "It's only hurtful if you intend it to be. I think he did want to hurt my feelings with that but, like I told him, I've heard it plenty before" he explained. "So, it doesn't bother me"

"Okay, well" Sam started with a sigh. "Are there any words you don't want me to use in regards to...?" he gestured vaguely at his own mouth. Adam chuckled at this.

"I mean, there's plenty of words generally considered offensive, outdated, or at least can be used as such" the green-eyed inmate explained. "Harelip, disfigured, deformed, what have you" he continued. "So, you probably shouldn't use those words, but I personally don't give a shit either way"


"Personally, I use 'deformity' all the fucking time" Adam went on. "Easiest way to get across what I'm talking about"

"Alright" Sam replied with a nod. "You wanna check in for the night?"

"Yeah, probably for the best"

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