Stranger Things - Day 9 : Nasally Voice - Steve/Eddie

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be hurt/comfort, fluff, whatever the author sees fit) where a character has a cleft palate (lip is optional) and their voice has a nasally quality because of it

"Steve, do you find my voice annoying?"

Steve's eyes widened in confusion as he looked at the man lying across from him with an insecure expression gracing his features. "What the hell are you talking about, man?"

"My voice" Eddie insisted, not really answering his question. "Do you find my voice annoying?"

"No" Steve told him firmly, still confused as hell. "Where is this coming from? Did someone say something?"

"No, just..." Eddie groaned in frustration and ran a hand through his hair. Steve frowned as he reached over and cupped the man's cheek with a patient expression. "My voice has this nasally quality, and I know it's not my fault or even something I can control, but people have... Found it annoying before" he answered vaguely. "I wanted to make sure I wasn't annoying you"

"You could never annoy me, okay?" Steve assured him, getting a small nod in response. "Okay... We should get rest, Ed"

"Got it, Harrington"

"I love you"

"Right back at ya"

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