Scream (MTV) - Day 11 : Wonder - Emma/Audrey

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Prompt : Character A has a cleft lip (palate is optional) and is annoyed because a few people have told them to watch the movie "Wonder". They finally cave and watch it with Character B. Their thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc. are entirely up to the author

"People keep asking me if I've seen that 'Wonder' movie" Emma said as she entered her girlfriend's bedroom, annoyed. Audrey chuckled.

"You know they mean well"

"Yeah, but..." Emma trailed off, formulating her words carefully. "I don't know" she sighed. "I mean I know why everyone wants me to see it" she conceded, gesturing at the scars and slight malformation of her upper lip. "I just think it's silly"

"Well, how about we see it so everyone will leave you alone about it?" Audrey offered with a small smile, reaching forward to tuck Emma's hair behind her ear. "Daveed Diggs is in it" she added, getting a small laugh from the blonde.

"Okay, fine" she eventually agreed. "But only because you can get us in there free"

"You know it"

And so, they watched the film, and as they left the theater and began walking to the brunette's car, Emma eventually admitted with a small sigh... "I liked it"

"Ah, so the people were correct" Audrey replied with a laugh as she got into the car and started it. "She likes it, everyone!"

"Shut up"

"Auggie kind of annoyed me, though"

"Do tell"

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