The Last Of Us : Part II - Day 14 : Singing - Ellie/Dina

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever the author sees fit) in which a character has a cleft palate (lip is optional) and because of that their tone when singing is a bit nasally/poppy/basically not the ideal "opera tone"

Ellie had found a guitar in the building they were exploring and, upon hearing her messing about with it, Dina decided to sit nearby and listen.

Ellie didn't have that deep, operatic tone that all the old books considered to be technically perfect, but that didn't matter to Dina.

She adored Ellie's voice- Nasally tone, strained falsetto and all.

"Talking away" Ellie sang, and Dina had to hold back as she recognized what song this was.

"I don't know what I'm to say- I'll say it anyway..."

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