Stranger Things - Day 24 : Jokes - Steve/Eddie

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Prompt : Write a fic about a character (with a cleft lip and/or palate) and their relationship to jokes about their condition. Do they make jokes themself? Do they mind if others do? To what extent are they okay with jokes about it?

It wasn't something Steve had ever thought too hard on, the effect that light-hearted jokes could have on his friends who were less privileged than him. It wasn't until he'd made a joke about knocking Dustin's teeth out and the younger guy had told him it was too far that he suddenly started to internally evaluate whether or not he'd secretly been making all of his friends uncomfortable with his lighthearted jokes and they just hadn't told him. Specifically Eddie...

Well, might as well ask.

"Ed" he said to get his boyfriend's attention. Eddie, who had been halfheartedly practicing on his guitar, looked up at the other man with a hum of acknowledgment. "Have I made any jokes about your..." he gestured vaguely at the other man's face, getting a small chuckle in response. Eddie had assured him on multiple occasions there was no issue with just calling it what it was- A cleft- But Steve still danced around it. "Or anything really- That made you feel uncomfortable or bad?"

"No, I don't think so" Eddie assured him with a small smile. Steve nodded as he contemplated his next words.

"Do you have anything that's... I don't know. Off-limits?"

"Not really" Eddie replied after a moment of thinking. "As long as it's all in good faith, I don't really mind" he explained. "Hell, I make jokes about it"

"Yeah, but that's different than me doing it"

"I know" the long-haired man replied with a nod. "But, seriously, you're good. Thanks for asking, though. Really considerate of you, Harrington"

"Yeah" Steve got off the bed and crawled over to where the other man was seated on the floor, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for telling me"

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