Santa Clarita Diet - Day 31 : Bilateral Cleft Lip + Palate - Eric/Abby

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever you see fit) in which either one or both of the characters in the pairing (romantic, platonic, whatever) has a bilateral cleft lip and palate
A/N : They/them pronouns are used for Abby because I said so.

Eric isn't the sort of person that they would usually hang out with, but all this new shit with their mom being undead really brought the two closer together. Funny how that worked out.

"What happened to your lip?" they asked bluntly one time they were over at his house because they were nothing if not blunt. See, Eric's upper lip wasn't entirely there and it sort of came up in the middle- Not all the way to his nose or anything, but still more than normal. The whole area just looked scarred.

"Oh, I was born with a cleft lip and palate" Eric replied, getting only a confused head tilt in response as he realized he probably needed to give a better explanation. "Basically, when I was born there was a split- Or technically two splits since I was bilateral- Sorry. Anyway, there were splits in my upper lip and also one in the roof of my mouth, which is why my voice is so nasally" he explained. "They mostly fixed it, but there's still leftover stuff, like the scarring"

"Cool" Abby replied, not sure what else to say. "Well, I'm glad you weren't in like an accident or anything"

"Me too, obviously"

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