Stranger Things - Day 7 : Kiss - Will/Dustin

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Prompt : Character A has a cleft lip (can be repaired or unrepaired- up to the author) and hasn't kissed anyone because of it. Character B is the first person to kiss them.

Will had never kissed anyone.

He was pretty content with this fact, especially after he realized that the one person he'd always been curious to kiss- Mike- Was 100% straight. Still, it kind of bothered him, the fact that all his friends had experienced their first kiss and he was the odd one out. Hell, even Robin, the other queer one, had experienced her first kiss. He was starting to wonder if... Well, maybe no one wanted to kiss him, because of the scar.

It was so frustrating because that goddamn scar was such a non-hindrance to his daily life. He had been lucky to only have the split up his lip, it hadn't affected the roof of his mouth. So, after it was repaired, he had hardly ever thought about it outside of when he was being bullied for it, and it was ridiculous that it may have been the reason he was so behind on this one thing compared to his peers.

He was venting all of this to Dustin, who was listening patiently, and once he was done, they fell into silence for a moment before Dustin eventually broke it with "You know, before Suzie, I thought no one would ever want to kiss me" he told him, a small smile on his face. Will tilted his head in confusion. "My teeth" he explained, and understanding passed over Will's face with that. "So, I mean... I get it"

"Yeah, but you found that person for you" Will emphasized. Dustin flinched- He and Suzie had broken up months ago. The guilt over fixing his grades had really weighed on the girl, and they eventually stopped talking. "Sorry" the boy apologized at his friend's reaction. "But, you know what I mean" he continued. "You found someone who wanted to kiss you, and I... I mean, what boy is going to want to kiss another boy who looks like this?"

Dustin stared at his friend for a moment, contemplating his next decision in his head over a bit before he took the plunge, leaning forward and kissing the nervous boy before eventually pulling away.

"This boy does"

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