Arcane : League of Legends - Day 2 : Bilateral Cleft Lip - Jayce/Viktor

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever you see fit) in which either one or both of the characters in the pairing (romantic, platonic, whatever) has a bilateral cleft lip

Jayce wasn't many things, but he did have decent manners. This was the main reason why he hadn't asked Viktor about his scarred and malformed lip until they had gotten closer. Besides, it's not like it needed to come up for any legitimate reason- He wasn't Viktor's doctor and it didn't impair their interactions in any way.

However, when the two began to grow a more intimate relationship, Jayce decided he could ask.

"What are the scars on your lip?" he asked during a quiet moment in one of their late nights of research. Viktor paused in what he was working on for only a moment before continuing.

"I was born with a facial deformity" he answered analytically, as he would when answering a question on a machine project. "Healthcare in the Undercity isn't great, so the surgical procedures I had done for it are probably not as effective as they would've been if I had it done up here" he explained, not looking at the other man. "It was just my lip though, so it hasn't been too much of an impairment. My leg is the bigger issue"

"I'm sure I could find you a surgeon up here to do some revisions if you ever wanted that" Jayce offered. Viktor contemplated this for a moment before shaking his head.

"It doesn't impair my day-to-day functions, so that would only really benefit the optics" he reasoned. Jayce nodded. "I'm not here to look nice" he added. "I know what my strengths are- They aren't my looks, and that's okay"

"Well, I think you look great" Jayce told him, walking up behind him and wrapping him in a hug. Viktor chuckled at this and patted the taller man on the head.

"Thank you, Mr. Progress" he replied with a chuckle. "I think you look pretty great, too"

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