Love, Victor - Day 4 : Bullying - Felix/Rahim

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Prompt : Character A has a cleft lip (palate is optional). It's been repaired but they're still bullied for it. Character B comforts them

Rahim and Felix were sitting at a table together in Brasstown, just talking and joking as they did. Benji was working the counter at that moment, so they didn't have to worry about the barista going out of his way to talk to them. It was nice...

Until it wasn't.

A group of guys in varsity jackets walked it, laughing and goofing off. The pair was immediately on edge cause they just seemed like the type of people who would give them a hard time. "We can leave if they start shit" Felix told his boyfriend, knowing that Rahim had issues with speaking up for himself about that after his weird double date with Victor, Nick, and Connor. Rahim just nodded in response.

Sure enough, the group got settled nearby them and immediately found amusement in their existence.

"Woah, dudes" one of them said, looking over at his friends with a shit-eating grin as he gestured at the pair. "Look at these fucking fairies, bro"

Rahim just looked the other way, avoiding their gaze. Felix turned to them with annoyance. "Leave us alone, will you?" he asked politely.

"Holy shit" another one of the boys said as he saw Felix's scarred upper lip. "What the fuck happened to you, dude?"

"Why would anyone want to date someone like that, the fuck?"

Rahim felt a rush of adrenaline at that as his head snapped over to the group. "Hey" he said in a firm voice that made them all go quiet. "My boyfriend looks great" he told them firmly, and before any of them could reply, he added "And way more fuckable than any one of you"

The boys all started making offended noises, trying to tell Rahim about all the girls they banged on the regular, but Felix and Rahim ignored them, instead choosing to just leave. Felix was oddly quiet as they walked down the street, and Rahim wasn't sure what to say.

"Sometimes I forget" Felix started suddenly, avoiding his boyfriend's gaze as he fidgeted with his hands. "That, like, my appearance is still an issue for people"

"Those guys were assholes"

"Yeah, no, I know" Felix replied with a sigh. "I just... I don't know. I guess it just reminded me that, like, oh yeah" he gestured vaguely. "I don't look normal"

"You look amazing" Rahim told him firmly. "Okay? Way hotter than those guys could ever dream to be"

"Well, they were homophobic anyways" Felix joked. "Automatically unsexy"

"That's the spirit"

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