Life Is Strange 2 - Day 6 : Surgery Recovery - Sean/Finn

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Prompt : Character A is recovering from a surgical procedure related to their cleft. Character B takes care of them while they are in recovery

Sean had needed to get a procedure for his cleft- He'd been unable to get it done before the incident and had been in prison for the last 15 years (the people there didn't care about getting his needs met), but once he got out, he was finally able to get it done- A bone graft (from his left hip) to fill a gap that his cleft had left in the front of his mouth.

The procedure itself had gone smoothly enough, but recovery was rough, especially since he wasn't living with his own family anymore. He'd moved out a few months after his prison release to live in an apartment with Finn.

Once he was sent home, Finn made sure to be very attentive to his needs, helping him empty the drain in his hip every few days, accommodating to his newfound all-liquids diet, finding other ways to communicate when Sean still couldn't talk, giving him his meds regularly, not forcing him to walk when it was too hard- All the things, but most importantly just spending time with him.

They found themselves curled up together in bed, watching a movie.

Sean could talk now, but the rest of his body was still incredibly weak. The two laughed and joked throughout the whole thing- It was a rather shitty horror movie about aliens. There had been a few good jumpscares here and there but most of it had been needlessly silly and overdramatic.

"I still don't get why she became convinced it was all because of aliens after one fall down the internet" Sean said after the film as Finn went over and turned the television off. "Like, some ranch gets moved around and some birds fly into your house, and you decide it must've been because of aliens?"

"Also, why would the aliens prioritize raiding her fridge for condiments?" Finn asked in his usual, drawn-out way of speaking. He was a lot older and more mature now, but some things never changed. "Are the greys some kind of... Condiment alien breed?"

Sean gave a hearty laugh at that and then the two fell into a comfortable silence before the ex-convict eventually broke it with a small "Thank you for spending time with me"

"Sweetie" Finn replied in a loving tone as he looked over at his boyfriend. "Why would I not?"

"I don't know, it's just..." Sean sighed. "I know it's been... A lot with my recovery and-"

"Nonsense" Finn cut him off. "I love you, okay?" he emphasized. "Nothing is too much if it means the better for your health and wellbeing, got it?"

"Got it" Sean replied with a smile as the stoner leaned over to give him a kiss on the forehead. "I love you too, man"

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