Love, Victor - Day 12 : Smile - Victor/Felix

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be hurt/comfort, fluff, whatever the author sees fit) where a character has a cleft lip (palate is optional) and it's been repaired but their smile is a bit crooked because of it

Felix's smile was a little crooked due to the scar and slight misshape on his upper lip, and he had been bullied a lot for that (among other things) throughout the entirety of his school years. Hell, even the people he'd dated seemed ashamed of him, like they didn't wanna be seen in public holding hands with THAT kid.

Victor was different, though. He'd always been different, even before the two started dating. Maybe it was because he was already gonna be judged for walking around with his partners due to him being gay or maybe it was just because he didn't care if he was seen with the lone stone, but Felix appreciated it either way.

"I love your smile" Victor had told him one night as they stayed up late. Felix scanned the Latino's face for any hint of mockery but found nothing but love. It was so absurd that it made him laugh. "What's so funny?"

"My smile?" Felix asked in disbelief. "I know I look good but my smile is crooked as hell, Victor"

"Well, too bad" Victor insisted. "Cause your smile is my favorite"

"As is yours, Vic"

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