Tornado Stories - Day 15 : Cleft Palate - Mitch/Cookie

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Prompt : Write a fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever you see fit) in which either one or both of the characters in the pairing (romantic, platonic, whatever) has a cleft palate

"I had a lot of ear infections when I was younger" Cookie explained as Mitch scrolled through his absence history from school. They were comparing grades, absences, all sorts of things, just to see who was the better student. "So I missed school a lot going to the doctor's for that"

"Do you have an ear disease or something?"

"I have a cleft palate- It's like a split in the roof of my mouth" the taller boy replied with a chuckle. "They fixed it, but it came with all sorts of complications- Ear infections, an underbite, speech problem, my annoying voice-"

"Your voice isn't-"

"Don't even get me started on water fountains" Cookie said, exasperated. That earned a hearty laugh from his friend.

"Wow" Mitch said, fascinated. "That's... Interesting"

"I am a very interesting man, indeed"

"Still shit at finances"

"Give me a break!"

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