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Y/N looked around the big spacious backyard, completed with a professional look. The people who were responsible for taking care of the yard were definitely not laymen.

‘Wow this place is so huge,’ Y/N scratched her head. ‘What does your dad do?’

‘He owns a construction company,’ Sangwon replied, ‘so I guess it makes sense that he chose such a fabulous house for himself.’

Justin silently watched the two and listened, not sure how he was going to enter the conversation. He wasn’t much of a social butterfly like Sangwon.

‘Oh,’ Y/N felt a bit small, seeing that her mom was only someone who specialized in housekeeping. She quickly changed the subject. ‘So I have a friend of mine who wanted to see you. Can you facetime her?’

Sangwon nodded. ‘I guess that’s cool, and hey,’ he placed a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, ‘don’t mind the two…or three, not sure. They’re just scared of the change but they’ll like you soon. And in the meantime, you can always be friends with me and Justin.’

Y/N smiled, she felt a bit more comforted by his words. ‘Sangwon and Justin, got it.’ she started to take her cell phone from her jeans pocket. ‘Oh the friend of mine who wanted to see you guys, her name is Bahiyyih.’ she told them as she opened her Discord then video called Bahiyyih.

‘Hey girl! Are you off the plane!? Whoa are you at a hotel!?’ she asked excitedly.

Sangwon and Justin were still not in view, but they couldn’t help but laugh hearing the girl's comments about the mansion they had long gotten used to.

‘Actually…this is my new home.’ Y/N answered her friends with an awkward shrug.

‘Shut up!!! All the popular girls would kill to be in your shoes right now!’ Bahiyyih said excitedly. ‘So what about your brothers! Are they hotties?!’

‘Hey!’ She immediately hushed her. ‘Shh…they’re right here.’

‘Yeah right,’ she rolled her eyes. ‘Seriously, are they hot or not?’

Y/N rolled her eyes at her friend and handed the cellphone over to Sangwon and Justin, but Justin was the first one to grab it. Upon seeing them, Bahiyyih screamed in embarrassment.

‘Wait! Why are they so pretty!? They’re not real!’ her voice sounded shrill through the cell phone.

For some reason, Justin felt like she was talking more about Sangwon than him. Sangwon had always been the center of attention wherever they were, so this would not be very surprising. He quickly handed the cell phone over to Sangwon.

‘Here. You have it, she’s probably talking about you.’

Sangwon didn’t hesitate to take the cell phone. But having caught Justin’s words, Y/N felt bad. He was undoubtedly feeling inferior. She swung an arm over his shoulder friendlily.

‘Hey that’s not true,’ she told him, ‘or maybe they like Sangwon more because he looks older. You look kinda more adorable.’

Justin turned to her with a disappointed face. ‘Thanks that made me feel 0.5% better.’

‘What’s your name!? You’re so cute!’ Bahiyyih continued to talk to Sangwon. ‘Forget I said that, silly me.  So do you…go to a fancy academy or a normal high school? Where will our Y/N go?’ Even though Bahiyyih was apparently asking about Y/N, she had a feeling she was simply using Y/N as a cover up and was more interested in actually knowing about Sangwon. She had known Bahiyyih long enough to know her attitude towards cute boys.

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