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‘I’m telling you the truth,’ Nana said to Ms. Park later that evening in Ms. Park’s small office on the second floor. ‘I can’t tell Mr. Song, only you.’

Ms. Park shook her head. ‘It doesn’t make sense, Justin wouldn’t go against his father’s instruction. I’m not sure about Sangwon though.’ she rubbed her chin. ‘Okay, please call them in for me.’

Nana then nodded obediently and walked out of the office. Ms. Park didn’t want what Nana had told her to be true; of course Nana would not lie, but Ms. Park didn’t want any drama arising and Mr. Song being disappointed simply because two of the boys had developed a liking for her daughter. Mr. Song was so strict, he wouldn’t take it for one moment.

A while later, Justin and Sangwon walked into the office, looking confused.

‘What’s going on?’ Justin whispered to Sangwon.

‘I don’t know. We didn’t mess up recently did we?’ he answered, equally bewildered.
They stood in front of her, half curious and half nervous.

She took off her glasses. ‘Well dears, the maid…she came here and said something about how it seems you two…have feelings for Y/N?’ she shrugged, ‘is it a baseless accusation?’

Sangwon and Justin didn’t reply at first, they were overwhelmed by the sudden question. Women and their gossip, they couldn’t believe Nana reported them. And how did she know? If the news reached their father, they were dead meat.

Sangwon was the first to reply. ‘Of course it’s a baseless accusation…how could she even say that…it’s so silly to imagine.’ 

‘I know!’ Justin agreed then pursed his lips. ‘But let’s pretend we really liked her, what would happen?’ Justin wanted to know what Ms. Park actually felt about it and not just their father.

‘Uh,’ Ms. Park leaned in. ‘I would probably send her to live someplace else. You see I understand that you’re teenagers and you know she’s not your real sister so something like that has like a…1% chance of happening.’ She smiled softly, ‘so that would be the only solution, I wouldn’t blame you as much as you think I would though…it’s just important to keep order. It would be very bad and chaotic if that happened alright?’

Justin nodded vigorously. ‘Of course! Nana misunderstood us! In fact we want her to be with our friend Woochan, he’s so handsome she already likes him.’ even though those words felt sour to say, he still had to say them to hide how he really felt. 

Sangwon nodded. ‘Uh ha, she does like him. We really don’t like her. I even have a…girlfriend.’ he mentioned Wonyoung confidently for the first time. ‘I hope she doesn’t think that we like her, you should clarify it to her if she does.’

‘Oh,’ Ms. Park chuckled, ‘don’t worry she doesn’t know a thing about this. It’s just between us three okay? I would never tell her that…why would I make things awkward. She’s YOUR SISTER.’ Ms. Park emphasized the word, just in case they actually liked her. From experience, she knew she couldn’t 100% trust the words of teenagers.

The boys nodded.

‘But she’s not like our real sister,’ Justin mumbled, earning a smack from Sangwon. They had to avoid making Ms. Park have suspicions as much as possible.

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