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Trigger Warning: drinking. Author-nim does not encourage excessive drinking but it’s needed for the plot development ok!? Stay away from alcohol!

A few weeks later, Y/N was helping her mother pack up her clothes. ‘I can’t believe Mr. Song actually wants you on his trip to personally tend to him. You two must be really close.'

‘Well…’ Miss Park started.

‘Miss Park’ Justin peeked in Miss Park’s bedroom. ‘Is it true that you’re going on a trip with dad? Take me with you! I promise I won’t cause any trouble, you’ll even forget I exist. Just don’t leave me with them!’

‘And by “them” you mean your brothers?’ Y/N chuckled.

‘Come in Justin,’ Miss Park told him, and he slowly walked into the room. ‘And why are you unhappy about us leaving you with your brothers?’

‘I don’t want to expose my brothers but yeah, I don’t wanna be alone with them for…certain reasons. Well at least Y/N’s here,’ he smiled at her, ‘we could stay together.’

‘I need to collect my bath products,’ Miss Park walked out of the room and walked into her bathroom.

Y/N sat on the bed. ‘So what are you scared of exactly? How much trouble can teenagers cause? Wild parties?’

‘They never throw parties, if dad found out they would be dead. But they do like to drink, cause our dad has so much wine and alcohol he wouldn’t notice if someone took some bottles. Oh our dad says we can’t drink until we’re 25 but they wanna do it anyway. So I really hate being alone with them.’ He replied innocently.

‘Aww,’ she patted his head, ‘don’t worry Justin, we’ll be in our own little world okay? Don’t mind them.’

Miss Park walked in with her bath products and quickly started to pack them. ‘Well that’s it, finally. Y/N, help me with my bags.'

‘Why can’t Justin do it? He’s the boy.’ She complained.


‘Fine!’ she got up reluctantly and grabbed two of the bags. ‘By the way, I haven’t really been to the pool area around there.’

‘Wanna go there?’ Justin suggested as he grabbed one bag from her while Miss Park walked ahead of them.

‘I guess so, we never had a pool at home. And I never attended pool parties because I was not confident enough to wear a bikini.’ She told him honestly.

When Justin and Y/N had left the room, they were greeted by the sight of Sangwon in the corridor.

‘Oh hey Y/N,’ he said to her with a smile. ‘Can we talk some time? Like talk-talk.’

‘Really?’ Y/N’s heart started to skip. ‘Did I…did I do something wrong?’

‘Sangwon your father and I will be going on a little trip. Did he tell you?’ Miss Park asked him for curiosity’s sake.

‘No he didn’t. Awesome! I mean…awesome for you…not awesome for us.’ He smiled to himself, ‘this is gonna be such a fun weekend.’

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