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‘Hey guys!’ Woochan announced as he walked into the Song kitchen on a Sunday afternoon with a basket of goodies: baked cookies and some chocolate. ‘Since Y/N is sick I brought her this basket.’

‘Um Woochan,’ Nana said to him. ‘I don’t think her brothers know that she’s sick, only her mother knows.’

Woochan widened his eyes and looked at the boys who seemed surprised with the news. ‘Whoa really? You mean you guys have no idea that she can’t participate in the play tonight because she got sick?’ He scoffed, ‘Some brothers you are…and you claim you wanna bond and stuff?'

‘I should have guessed…she didn’t leave her room today.’ Sangwon said to himself.

‘Wow no play!?’ Justin said happily. ‘That’s great news! I’m kind of glad she got sick,’ he corrected himself quickly, ‘I mean…I feel bad but it’s actually good.’

Leo took the basket from Woochan. ‘I’ll have the basket and I’ll make sure she gets it.’

Ms. Park was walking downstairs, her hands on the railings. ‘Nana can you get me the creams on this list?’ She gave her a notepad paper once she had reached the bottom, ‘sorry…she must have left her medication in back home. Just psoriasis. It usually takes 24 hours for the patches to disappear,’ she then looked at Woochan. ‘Oh Woochan right?’

‘Yeah I…’ Woochan started then quickly snatched the basket from Leo. ‘I came to see her. We were cast in the same play remember?’

‘Of course, right this way,’ Ms. Park said and started walking up the stairs again and leading the way for Woochan. She then turned to the boys. ‘Oh hey boys, having a great day?’

Leo started to follow them. ‘Ms. Park, you can’t let him see her. You don’t even know him.’

‘Stop being trashy Leo, I’m begging you.’ Yorch said as he rubbed his temples.

Meanwhile, James was watching his best friend in disappointment. ‘He didn’t even say anything to me.’ he said to himself.

‘Oh come on Leo,’ Ms. Park said to Leo who was following behind. ‘Didn’t you guys say he’s your best friend who’s practically family? I’m sure there won’t be any problem.’

‘Fine,’ Leo returned to the group of boys. Sangwon and Justin however were not standing for it. They followed behind them secretly either way.

Once Leo and Ms. Park had entered the room, Sangwon and Justin stood outside the door and listened in.

‘Hey Y/N. Wow, your skin is really covered in those…whoa.’ he said to her inside the room, observing her skin which had pale red blotches on it. It could have been scary if it was the first time, but she was used to it. ‘But they don’t hide how pretty you are…here. My mom made this for you.’

Sangwon and Justin assumed it was the basket he had brought, it was probably the basket. They listened painfully but not bating an eye in each other’s direction.

‘Aww…wow cookies! Apricot jam! I love these! Your mom is so sweet.’ Y/N answered cheerfully.

‘It’s because she thinks you’re amazing.’

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