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Y/N slowly walked into the main bathroom, which was bigger than her room at home. She looked at the two sinks which were opposite each other, round expensive mirrors above each. She ran her hand across the marble surface, it was all too much for a house.

She had to use tha main bathroom because her personal bathroom’s water wasn’t running. It hadn’t been used for such a long time, so it needed maintainance.

She grabbed her toothbrush and put toothpaste on it, then looked in the mirror.
Before she could start brushing, the door opened and in entered Yorch. ‘Oh no, what are you doing in here? You’re done right?’

‘I haven’t started.’ She answered. ‘But um…don’t you have your own bathroom? Why do you want this one?’

‘I always use this one, it’s bigger and I love big spaces.’ he moved to the other sink.
‘I guess I’ll just come in after you.’ she started walking towards the door then turned around. ‘By the way, what time does school start? And can you text me the location too?’

Yorch looked at her and chuckled in disbelief. ‘Wow…you must really think we’re all nice right? Why don’t you ask Sangwon or something? You and I are invisible to each other, I don’t even know why I bothered to talk to you.’ he turned back to the mirror.

Y/N rolled her eyes, Yorch was probably the most annoying so far. ‘Ugh…the interest was in school and not you. Don’t think I’m needy…like even if I were, you wouldn’t even be a candidate.’ She walked out and slammed the door.

When Y/N walked down the stairs after she had had her shower, she found only Justin sitting at the table. She looked at the all the food that had been prepared for breakfast, and it looked like a feast. She wondered if she was allowed to sit there since she was the maid’s daughter, or to just go have her food elsewhere.

‘Is this breakfast or a feast?’ Y/N asked with her mouth agape.

‘Don’t be silly,’ a young maid who was fixing the table laughed, ‘if it were a feast we’d have like…five tables? They have feats sometimes…and another feast will come right after finals right Justin?’ she smiled at him. ‘His GPA is always 4.’

‘Hey sit down,’ Justin said to Y/N happily. ‘We can go to school together, I wouldn’t want you to be late. Well I would have driven you but we’re gonna walk because thanks to James, dad doesn’t want us driving to school. Come sit next to me. Let me make cereal for you right now!’

The maid chuckled. ‘Isn’t he so adorable? He doesn’t do this for anyone. Not even his dad.’

Y/N sat down and reached for the cereal box. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll do it myself.’

‘No I’ll do it for you,’ he insisted and took the cereal box from her. ‘You look really pretty by the way.’

As if on cue, the other boys started coming down the stairs. When Y/N checked her wristwatch, she noticed that it was about 7:20 AM. That was probably the set time for them to come down and have breakfast.
Leo was checking his cellphone then suddenly perked his head up. ‘Whoa did you hear that dad is selling some shares at…’

‘200 dollars per share, I know.’ Yorch answered with a forced smile, then went over to sit down at the dining table. ‘You’re not the only one who knows about dad’s company.’

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