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'Leo!' James shouted and opened the door to Leo's room. 'Come join us! Quick! It's important!'

Without waiting for a response, James ran off.

'Ugh, better not be silly.' Leo said to no one in particular and walked out of his bedroom. He followed James who was making his way to their father's office. It was always locked and they weren't allowed there, so Leo knew whatever was going on was shady.

'What's going on?' Leo asked as he walked into the large office. 'Why is it only Yorch and you here?'

'So it's actually really disappointing, we found something in dad's office.' James informed him.

'Uh ha?' Leo sounded unimpressed so far.

'Well he added some other people in the will, and you won't guess who has the highest shares among us brothers. It's not Justin.'

'First of all tell me who he added.' Leo was finally interested. He always cared about the business, it was what he had wanted most in his life.

'Miss Park and her daughter...automatically decreasing our shares.'

'What!? No!' Leo walked closer to James. 'Why would he add a maid and her daughter!? This makes no sense at all! What the hell is going on!?'

'Exactly,' Yorch finally spoke. 'Why would he add them? Do you think...she's more than a maid?' he raised his eyebrow.

'That they're...a thing? No. Can't be.' Leo immediately dismissed it.

'I mean it's kind of weird how he took his maid out on the trip, I'm just sayin.' James shrugged.

'No, dad wouldn't date a maid.' he shook his head then looked at Yorch. 'So who has the highest shares? Is it me or you?'

Yorch shook his head. 'Sangwon.'

Leo did not expect this answer, and that was another thing that didn't make sense that day. 'Why!? That makes no sense! Sangwon's grades aren't even as good as mine! And he's so passive! There has to be an explanation! We should search his office again for something. While also thinking about how to get Y/N and her mom off that will.'

'I have an idea but...let's talk about it later.' Yorch suggested.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a breaking vase outside the office door. The boys looked at each other - someone had heard what they shouldn't have. They prayed it wasn't Y/N.

'Hey who's there!?' Leo asked as he walked over to the door. 'Someone was listening.'

James then walked to the door quickly and stepped out. The corridor was empty. 'Hey come out, we won't hurt you.'

Nana then came out from behind the potted plants slowly. 'Hi kids. Just came to check on you...and I left you cakes and cookies...I was looking for you and I waited for you to finish whatever you were discussing...when I realised how serious it was I got scared that you'd think I was eaves dropping.' she spoke nervously.

'No, you were eavesdropping, that's why you had to hide.' Leo walked closer to her, 'do you have any idea what you just heard? You should be killed...'

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