Chapter 10: A person whom one knows

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A/N: Happy anniversary, Skyline! It's been a year since I started posting this story and now that I realize that I'm just on chapter ten, I'm feeling bad. XD Anyway, sorry for the four months without update because I've really, really been busy but now, without further ado: CHAPTER 10 (a look at Alexei's -third- POV). Happy reading! :3

ALEXEI (Third) P.O.V.

               Alexei has never felt so unsure of himself. Until now. He's on his way to pick Colleen up from her house. He plans to change her mind about him. He needs her to. He won't take rejection again.

               His encounter with an intoxicated Colleen last night helped boost his confidence a bit when he asked Mr. Edwards if he could take Colleen out the next day after he called him about what happened to his daughter.  

               He felt relieved when the man agreed. He actually anticipated Franz Edwards to give his permission, sensing that the man also wants her daughter to socialize more and hopes that she'd stop pushing people away and to break out of her cage. Still, Alexei couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt when he asked Franz. How could he not? Franz barely knows him so how could he trust Alexei so easily? And from what the drunk Colleen told him about the kidnappings, he has every right not to trust Alexei.

               As he waited for the man to pick up the sleeping angel on his lap, he had the chance to gaze at Colleen's sleeping face for a while. It was different, he realized. It still is Colleen — the girl who kept on pushing him away but was really lonely in the inside — but entirely different with its unguarded expression.

               He can't help but lightly touch Colleen's cheek with the back of his hand and bite his bottom lip when he heard her soft sigh. He wondered what made this girl push him away, what made her so untrusting of everyone.

               He heard someone clear his throat, breaking him from his thoughts. He looked up to see Franz Edwards making his way to where he was seated. The man eyed Alexei warily and started one of the most awkward conversations Alexei had in his entire life.

It went like this:

Franz, in a threatening tone: Tell me the truth, young man, or I swear you'll never see tomorrow.

Alexei, suddenly confused so he answered politely: Sir?

Franz, still threatening: Did you or did you not take advantage of my daughter?

Alexei, wide-eyed and shocked: W-what? Of course not!

Franz, sounding relieved: Alexei, right?

Alexei nodded.

Franz: Thank you for looking after her. I'm sure it's one of those boys inside who is at fault. It's a good thing you ran into her at her state. She tends to do... unusual things when she gets intoxicated.

               Franz gingerly lifted up Colleen and Alexei followed them to their car, still feeling a bit awkward from the conversation. After Franz has placed Colleen in the car, Alexei turned to him and gathered his courage to ask for his permission.

               And now, as he was on his way to pick up Colleen, he can't stop but feel slightly nervous. Alexei has always been confident of himself. He'd had flings before when he was still being an A-class jerk. It was during his dark ages. But now that he's serious about Colleen and wanting to gain her trust, he can't help but doubt himself if he can do it.

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