Chapter 11: No going back

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A/N: Yes, it's another chapter! 'Cause it's our birthday today, why not? :D Happy reading!

"Are you sure we're not lost?" I asked for the thousandth time, panting for breath while trying not to faint from the hike.

"We're almost there. Are you sure you don't want me to give you a piggy back ride?" Alexei teased.

To be honest, I am starting to consider his offer. We've been hiking for what feels like forever! I continued to follow Alexei. While I'm close to passing out, a group of friends on their way down were having fun together and laughing out loud about something, their voices echoing through the forest. One of them saw us - a girl with blonde highlights and a pointy chin - and even asked Alexei to take a picture of them. I tried to catch my breath while Alexei obliged to their request.

After a couple more minutes of climbing, Alexei finally uttered the words I've been waiting for him to say: "We're here!"

I huffed in relief. I would have done a victory dance but I'm too tired from the climb. I laid down on the ground, mildly exhausted. I never was a person inclined to do physical work. I'm more of a 'watch an anime for hours' type of gal.

"We only walked for ten minutes, Colleen. Don't be such a baby. You're missing the view!"

The word beautiful doesn't cut it. This place where Alexei brought me is indescribable. It converted me into a nature loving person. Even though the sun was out, the air was cool against my skin. Thick puffy clouds blanketed the sky while the lake in front of us mirrored everything. Alexei walked ahead towards the deck and laid out our bags. I slowly made my way to where he is, drowning from the scene laid before me. Even the lonely canoe in the middle of the lake makes the view more beautiful. It made me want to stay here forever.

"Anyway, the real reason why we're here is if I can't get to know you at least get to know me. I want you to get to know me. I want to change how you see me," said Alexei while brushing off some leaves from the deck.

I'm done with antagonizing Alexei. Besides, I told him that I'll give him this day. So I took my time trying to come up with questions while he brings out the food.

"Do you know anime?" I asked.

Alexei chuckled. "Sorry to disappoint you but no. You can introduce me to it though. I'm having this feeling that it's not that different with what my sister is into."

"You have a sister?"

"Yep, she's younger than me."

I mulled over my next question as I slumped down opposite him. "Oh. Um... so, why are you so freaking persistent on being friends with me?"

"The fact that you don't want me to be friends with you made me want to do the exact opposite," Alexei answered giving me the box of pastries from the café. "And I've seen you around school. You look so innocent and pure that I feel this magnetic pull towards tainting you."

I blushed at his words and nearly choked on the blueberry Danish in my mouth. Alexei chuckled, his eyes looking at me with a spark of amusement.

"I'm just kidding. Is that all you want to know? You can ask me more personal questions. I swear I'll tell you the truth and nothing but the truth. Anything you want to know about me, just ask."

I hesitated but my curiosity won over. I'm human after all. And what he said about him not having friends have been bugging me ever since.

"What did you mean when you said that you don't have any friends here?" I asked.

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