Chapter 8: Lou Parker arrives

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The next morning, the school is buzzing with excitement because of something. And that something, according to Arianne when she came up to me, turned out to be the Chemistry substitute teacher.

I felt it already from the moment I stepped inside the school premises that there’s something strange. I felt it when I walked the hallway to my locker. I felt it while getting the stuff I need for first and second period.

“Guess what?” Arianne asked giddily. And so I asked her, “What?”

“It might be mean for me to say but I wish Mr. Geronimo stay absent for the rest of the school year,” she told me.

“Why?” I looked around, feeling and seeing the excited vibe of the students.

“The substitute Chemistry teacher is so hot! I might just love Chemistry subject because of him.” Arianne remained smiling with a dreamy look.

“My mornings are going to be filled with a gorgeous sight from now on. It’s a great thing that Chemistry is always our first subject. Come on, I want you to meet my future husband.” She pulled me by the arm to the room.

“Aren’t you aware that student-teacher relationships are forbidden?” I asked her.

“Psh, as if that will stop true love,” was her reply. I tried to remind her that she has a boyfriend with a name Julian but her mind was already elsewhere.

We entered the classroom and I noticed that where the teacher’s table should have been, the only thing visible is a group of girls crowding over whom I guess is the substitute teacher. Arianne went to declare war to the girls while I went to sit at my spot by the window. Looking at the sky calms me down.

The bell rang for first period and I heard a low accented male voice tell the students to get to their classes. It was followed by groans and murmurs of disappointment but eventually the students who are not part of the class dispersed. The teacher stood up then and when I saw him, my eyes widened slightly.

Arianne looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows. What actually surprised me is that he looked so young for a teacher, like he’s just in his twenties.

“Good morning everyone, I am Mr. Cross and I’m substituting as your Chemistry teacher while Mr. Geronimo is healing from the accident.” His gaze focused on each of our faces as his icy blue eyes roam around the room.

“I’m supposed to start teaching where Mr. Geronimo left off but since today is our first meeting, I’ll entertain a few questions from you.”

“We can ask whatever we want?” the redhead girl at the back asked in excitement.

“I’ll try my best to answer them. You have a few minutes before I give the research topics that you have for your assignment. Fire away,” he replied.

“Even if it’s personal?” asked Arianne.

“It depends,” he shrugged.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” the girl in front started.

“What’s your first name?”

“Are you British?”

“How old are you?”

“Why did you choose this job?”

The questions kept on coming (mostly from girls) and Mr. Cross answered them patiently, “I don’t have a girlfriend.” – insert squeals from the girls here – “My name is L.A. and I’m Irish, hence the accent. I’m twenty-five years old, fresh out of the university. Good pay for a substitute teacher so I immediately accepted.”

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