Chapter 4

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When she arrived at the courtyard, Tang Shumi didn't go in first. She took out a beautiful box from her bag and put on a 14-carat diamond engagement ring.

Although they are plastic fiancées, they still have to do enough surface work.

Shu Mi quietly glanced at Ji Linchen, with a low-key **** ring on her well-knotted fingers.

He has never taken it down, and Shumi only wears it when necessary.

Ji Linchen was no stranger to her behavior, and walked to her side with a cold expression. Shu Mi took the initiative to take Ji Linchen's arm and smiled brightly: "Let's go."

The two have a tacit understanding in acting as an affectionate unmarried couple.

The bodyguards in front of the gate lined up, and the guards wearing real guns nodded in agreement.

It is not uncommon for the Ji Family Courtyard to have this battle.

The old man of the Ji family was born in the military. He has repeatedly made great achievements during the war and has been in the position of chief when he retired.

Tang Shumi likes Grandpa Ji very much.

Grandpa Ji’s and Tang Shumi’s grandfather were comrades-in-arms who were born and died. In Shumi’s memory, Grandpa Ji often visited her at the Tang’s house. When changing teeth, her mother did not allow her to eat sweets. Grandpa Ji would always secretly bring one to relieve her greed. .

Later, when the Tang family suffered an accident, she fled to the United States in embarrassment and stayed there for six years.

I saw Grandpa Ji again at the engagement banquet with Ji Linchen.

The once high-ranking old man had red eyes and choked with her hand:

"Xiao Mi, it's my grandpa's incompetence, and he didn't keep his promise to take care of your mother. But don't worry, grandpa will take care of you."

Tang Shumi heard what was in the mist, but couldn't help crying.

"Brother Achen!"

The crisp and sweet shout pulled Tang Shumi's thoughts back, and she looked forward.

It's Zhu Shanshan.

She ran over with her skirt, her face fluttering with a smile, but when she noticed Tang Shumi who was holding Ji Linchen's arm, her smile instantly faded a bit.

Although the changes were subtle, Tang Shumi saw it clearly.

"Miss Tang is good." Zhu Shanshan showed a standard eight-toothed smile.

Tang Shumi nodded and looked at her up and down: "Shanshan has grown up again, and now children can really grow."

With the words, Zhu Shanshan dropped her smile and her tone became cold: "Miss Tang, I am already eighteen, not a child."

Tang Shumi suddenly said: "Eighteen." Like a gossiping elder, she smiled and asked: "Have you made a boyfriend?"

"No!" Zhu Shanshan raised the volume and denied.

"Shanshan, how did you talk to your sister-in-law?" Grandma Ji came up from the corridor and scolded.

Zhu Shanshan retorted: "Not my sister-in-law!"

"Why not sister-in-law?"

"Brother Achen is not married yet, he is not his sister-in-law." Zhu Shanshan choked her neck.

"What nonsense! I think Zhu Man has indulged you too much." Although she is old, Grandma Ji's majesty remains the same.

Zhu Shanshan's face was pale, her voice lowered: "It's none of my aunt's business, it's me—"

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