Chapter 7

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Someone who was cueed by President Ji is now 8,000 meters above the ground.

The plane just left the Russian air line.

"Shu Mi, your plane is great!" Jiangcheng's top socialite No. 1 shouted excitedly after enjoying the on-board spa service.

The plane has been flying for 6 hours, and ladies 1, 2, and 3 are still in novelty.

Su Zhen didn't fluctuate too much. After all, she had a small private jet. Although it was not as good as Shumi, it did.

Xu Mingzhu went to bed, and Tang Shu Miwo was in the seat and flipped through art magazines with an iPad.

Suddenly a message popped up on Weibo. She originally wanted to cross it out. However, affected by the airflow, the plane suddenly bumped, and her finger happened to click on the message.


The new energy vehicle and parts industrial park project built by Jishi Group has become a national dedicated new energy vehicle production base. In 2019, the annual output of Senlv New Energy Company, a subsidiary of Jishi Group, was about 124051 vehicles, with an output value of 53.224 billion yuan. Ji's Group actively participates in the operation of domestic green energy projects and carries out strategic activities with two major foreign new energy companies. In addition, Ji’s Group has also achieved significant results in the industrial intelligence industry of its employees..."

Not only does ipd keep the sound off, the volume is also very loud.

"Shu Mi, when did your President Ji start building cars again?" Su Zhen came over.

Tang Shumi turned off the video and continued to read the magazine: "I don't know."

"Ji Linchen never told you?"


"Don't you even have daily communication?"

"No." Only the bed communicated.

"Shu Mi, you are really--" Su Zhen shook her head with a sigh.

Tang Shumi raised her eyes, waiting for her words of sympathy and comfort.

"It's so cool!"

Tang Shumi:? ? ?

"I also want a silent cash machine."

Su Zhen's description was too true, and Tang Shumi couldn't help but smile: "Little sister, you can go live and talk about it, I will hold you."

"Huh." Su Zhen put her chin down, and said proudly, "Why don't you show your face live, I will hold you up."

Tang Shumi looked back blindly.

The 67th floor of Jishi Group Building, the office of the president.

After the press conference, Zhao Yan took the initiative to report on Tang Shumi's itinerary.

"Ms. Ji, Miss Tang went to France by private jet."

"Ms. Xu Mingzhu, Miss Su Zhen..."

Zhao Yan reported one by one, and he didn't know if the boss was listening.

"Is going to the show?"

He vaguely remembered that Tang Shumi loved to participate in the shows of major brands.

"Miss Tang said she was going to watch a football match."

Finally got a response, Zhao Yan put the schedule on the table.

"Ball game?" Ji Linchen raised his eyes.

"Obsidian game." Zhao Yan explained, "Miss Tang seems to be a fan of Obsidian."

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