Chapter 40

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Tang Shumi walked into the cafe, Su Zhen and Xu Mingzhu arrived early, and they were chatting passionately.

Xu Mingzhu talks about her man, Xu Mingzhu talks about her career.

"Xu Jiahuan is a good man."

"The company is going public."

"Xu Jiahuan gave me a midnight snack last night."

"I just signed a 100 million dollar bill this morning."

"Xu Jiahuan said that he loves me forever, and he will die if I die."

"Dad gave me the company." Su Zhen paused, choosing the words: "...I am at the company too!"

Tang Shumi: "..."

Xu Mingzhu and Su Zhen looked at her at the same time.

Xu Mingzhu: "How about m-tree?"

Su Zhen: "How does Ji Linchen treat you?"

Tang Shumi drooped down her eyelids and replied sadly: "m-tree is not mine, don't tell Ji Linchen in front of me."

She is the creator of m-tree, but the property rights are in the name of Ji Linchen. Zhao Yan took documents to ask her and Ji Linchen to sign transfer agreements in person, but she refused.

What must be signed in person to be effective is Ji Linchen's trick to trick her into meeting.

She will not be fooled.

"You have lived in my house for so long, should you get tired of living in it?" Xu Mingzhu asked her.

She actually wanted to say, why don't you dislike it yet.

Tang Shumi said, "Lend me to live for a while."

"..." Xu Mingzhu frowned: "I am almost scolded by my brother for depression."

Tang Shumi said: "Not yet, let's talk about it if I'm really depressed."

"Shu Mi, are you really not going back to Mingyuan?" Su Zhen interrupted and asked.

Tang Shumi shook her head firmly, "No reply!"

"I stand up for you! I understand now. A man is a fart, and a woman can fight for a career as well as make money and support herself. I will tell you that when I first arrived at the company..."

Su Zhen again began to talk about her great feats of "going to fight high-level old men and punishing green tea Xiaobailian".

Tang Shumi was not in the mood to listen at all, and Xu Mingzhu was even less interested. Her essence was a rice bug.

"Shu Mi, how can you forgive Ji Linchen?" Xu Mingzhu tried to change the subject, interrupting Su Zhen's teaching of experience.

Tang Shumi shrugged: "I don't know."

"In fact, Ji Linchen--"

"Don't mention him if you are a sister!"

Xu Mingzhu was silent, and Su Zhen blinked her eyes: "Want to go to karaoke? My treat!"

A group of three came to the most luxurious KTV in Jiangcheng.

Xu Mingzhu started singing first. She recently fell in love with a certain ghost singer, stepped on the coffee table, imitating the action of stepping on the sound, shaking her head up and down.

This is completely different from the usual Xu Mingzhu. Tang Shumi was stunned. Su Zhen walked over with a calm face, clicked a long list of songs by a certain girl group, and sang and danced.

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