Chapter 19

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Tang Shumi was really bored for two days without going out because of her swollen feet. Fortunately, Xu Mingzhu was released from confinement to see her.

She brought two boxes of white swan cakes, and she and Shumi sat in the glass flower room on the top floor for afternoon tea.

Xu Mingzhu opened the topic first: "Your fiance is really amazing. You can shovel Zhu Zhengnan's feces away by moving your little finger."

Tang Shumi was holding a small silver fork and black pearl grapes, and she immediately retracted her hand when she heard the metaphor of "mouse shit". She raised her head and frowned: "You intentionally don't want me to eat, don't you?"

"How dare you!" Xu Mingzhu continued after eating a bite of the cake, "I heard my brother say that the old witch Zhu Man was sent to Australia by Elder Ji to take care of it. Is it true?"

"Yeah." Tang Shumi took a sip of the coffee, and the tip of his tongue instantly burst into a pure fragrance.

"Ji Linchen was ruthless and cheap enough, pretending to fly to Europe on a business trip, watching everything silently from the perspective of God, silently waiting for Zhu Zhengnan and Zhu Man to jump into the circle."

"I feel terrible when I think about it, Ji—"

"What are you talking about?" Tang Shumi put down the coffee and sat upright.

The cake Xu Mingzhu put in his mouth was snatched by Tang Shumi abruptly: "After talking, eat it."

"What did I say?" Xu Mingzhu looked blank, "I'm not praising your fiance for being great!"

"You said Ji Linchen pretended to fly to Europe on a business trip?"

"Yeah, don't you know?"

"Who do you listen to?"

"Of course it's my brother."

Xu Mingzhu couldn't figure it out, and Tang Shumi's face suddenly became ugly.

"What's wrong?" Xu Mingzhu was puzzled.

Tang Shumi embraced her chest with her hands, and said angrily: "What a fool!"

"Who? Who is a fool?" Why didn't he understand Tang Shumi's speech more and more.

"Me." Tang Shumi suddenly slapped the table without expression, and Xu Mingzhu leaned back in fright.

Xu Mingzhu: "..."

Tang Shumi thinks that Ji Linchen came back specially for her, he hugged her, cooked noodles and blown her hair. She was so moved by herself that she almost cried out. It turned out that it was all Ji Linchen out of guilt for her .

A dog man is always a dog man, wasting her feelings.

After listening to Tang Shumi's spitting and jealousy and swearing at Ji Linchen, Xu Mingzhu frowned and slowly said after taking a bite of the cake: "Why are you so angry?"

According to her understanding, it is normal for Ji Linchen to choose Jiangshan among Jiangshan and women. If he chooses a woman, it is not Ji Linchen.

Seeing Xu Mingzhu didn't help her scold Ji Linchen, Tang Shumi became even more angry: "Can I not be angry?"

Xu Mingzhu continued to eat the cake with a composure expression. Plastic unmarried couples have no real feelings, and Tang Shumi hates Ji—wait, she frowned, and finally realized something was wrong, and quickly chewed twice. Go down.

Tang Shumi looked at her series of micro expressions: "What are you thinking about?"

"Do you like last season Linchen?" Xu Mingzhu swallowed and looked straight into her eyes and said seriously.

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