Chapter 34

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Various domineering president X Xiaojiao’s fanarts in the comment area made her stomach hurt.

Back in Mingyuan, Ji Linchen's call came just as he entered the bedroom.

"What happened this afternoon?"

His indifferent voice made Tang Shumi more angry, "Nothing in the afternoon, now there is something!"

"You said."

The two simple words seem to have nothing to do with the paralysis of Weibo tonight.

"What are you messing around?"

Ji Linchen frowned and warned coldly: "Shu Mi."

Tang Shumi took a deep breath and said flatly, "President Dad, can you uninstall Weibo?"

"There is no Weibo on my phone."

He paused for a moment.

"Wait a minute."

"..." Tang Shumi rolled her eyes, "I beg you, don't go down."

"As the president of the group, I think it is necessary to learn about current affairs through Weibo." Ji Linchen said seriously.

Tang Shumi smiled angrily, "Who is fooling?"

Ji Linchen doesn't come to the financial policy report every day, and he still goes to learn about "current affairs" such as gossip and gossip on Weibo?

"I don't want my fiancee to think that I am a caveman who has never been online."

The term caveman was learned by him just reading a certain Weibo.

Tang Shumi: "..."

Tang Shumi: "I never said that you were a caveman."

Ji Linchen said calmly: "The meaning of the village network is not bad."

"..." Tang Shumi walked to the bed and sat down and asked playfully, "You can remember everything I say."

"I remember very clearly what was derogatory to me."

"Ji Linchen, you are so stingy, you don't look like a man at all!"

"Shu Mi, this is the second time you said I am not a man." He deliberately bit the three words for the second time.

Tang Shumi: "Oh."

There was silence for a while.

"I'm still too gentle to you."

Tang Shumi slowly said "?"

"Exercise well."


"Don't cry and say no then."



Tang Shumi thought of something instantly, starting from the roots of her ears and continuing to flush to her cheeks.

She touched her face, it was burning hot.

Shouted into the phone: "Ji Linchen, you are a dog!"

Immediately cut off the phone severely.

Tang Shumi was mad and went downstairs to find the butler.

"Buy me a washboard tomorrow."

The housekeeper was stunned: "Washboard?"

Tang Shumi nodded: "Yes, it's the washboard."

Housekeeper: "I have an imported fully automatic washing machine at home. Does Miss Tang want to buy a washboard?"

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