Chapter 47

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Tang Shumi raised her chin, trying to look into his eyes.

She was held in Ji Linchen's arms and pressed too close, even if her chin touched his chest, she could only see Ji Linchen's slender neck.

The **** Adam's apple slid slightly, Tang Shumi held her breath, waiting for his answer.

The shining black eyes overflowed with anticipation, and at the same time there was tension mixed with fear.

Ji Linchen is still keeping his eyes closed, his long and dense eyelashes are distinct and fascinating. He leaned his head forward, his thin chin resting on top of her head.

The movements were very light, and Tang Shumi felt the weight from the top of her head, inexplicably relieved.

She wanted to look up again, but was held back by Ji Linchen.

Now, even the Adam’s apple is invisible.

His faint minty smell was all in his breath.

"What do you mean by liking?" Ji Linchen pondered for a moment, then opened his lips lightly.

His voice was not as deep as in the past, but rather clear, like a clear spring in the empty valley.

Tang Shumi's eyelashes flickered twice, her shining eyes suddenly became sad.

She was very disappointed. After the disappointment, she was relieved and comforted herself that this was the real Ji Linchen.

A capitalist who is cold, self-sufficient, considerate, and will not be trapped by emotions.

It is too difficult for him to say the word like.

She raised her hand and gently pushed on his chest, trying to get away from him.

Ji Linchen felt her obvious resistance and pressed her right hand on her shoulder, not only forbidden her to move back, but took her into his arms instead.

Closer than before, Tang Shumi's face hit his shoulder directly.

"Unhappy?" Ji Linchen opened his eyes and looked down.

Of course he was upset, and finally mustered up the courage to ask him if he liked her. In Tang Shumi's mind, this is an alternative confession.

The underlying meaning is: I like you, do you like me?

Do not answer whether you like it or not, but instead ask you "What does it mean to like?"

What the hell, it's better to say "I don't like it." and immediately put it to death.

Tang Shumi said frankly: "Not happy."

She would not explain to him what it means to like.

Listening to her sour tone, Ji Linchen curled up the corners of her lips and chuckled suddenly.

Is he still laughing? !

Tang Shumi squeezed her fist in despair and punched his left arm.

The strength is not great, but not too small.

A few seconds after the beating, Tang Shumi realized that his left hand was still in a plaster.

"Ji Linchen." She pursed her lips: "...Do you hurt?"

Ji Linchen endured the pain and said, "It doesn't hurt."

Tang Shumi grieved: "You said you want to get married this morning, and now you are asking me "What is like?" Don't you know that only two people like each other to get married?"

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