Chapter 21

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On the second day, Ji Linchen personally demonstrated the ppt to Tang Shumi in the family projection room on the third floor, explaining in detail the causes and consequences of the entire incident.

Tang Shu Mi nestled on the sofa, her eyelids drooping listlessly.

She didn't listen at all.

"Do you understand?" Ji Linchen asked her.

Tang Shumi straightened up, twisted her neck, yawned, and said, "I didn't listen."

Ji Linchen:...

Turn off the projector, the screen suddenly turns black.

At the same time, Ji Linchen's face darkened, "Shu Mi, are you challenging my patience?"

Tang Shumi shook her head with a blank face: "Do I have one? I don't have one."

After speaking, Tang Shumi jumped off the sofa and went straight out of the screening room.

In the next few days, Ji Linchen left early and returned late.

Tang Shumi was already asleep when she came back, and she was still asleep when she went out.

Occasionally, during the day when the two were at home at the same time, Tang Shumi didn't even look at him or say a word.

The days just passed by day by day, and most of October has passed.

In autumn, the weather gradually became colder.

Ji’s development of townhouses in City A a month ago, close to the Bund Scenic Area, tried to make them the most luxurious bungalows in the country. Coupled with the establishment of the "Yunyou" subsidiary that researches and develops artificial intelligence in City A, Ji Linchen is very busy.

Tang Shumi hadn't seen anyone for half a month. If it weren't for Ji Linchen's handsome face and seven-second memory, Tang Shumi would have forgotten what he looked like.

In the fall, Tang Shumi started to be lazy and unwilling to travel far.

The only schedule is the tea party, the new product launch and the beauty salon.

Today, Xu Mingzhu asked her to check in to an online black tea restaurant. She chose an ancient Omi white dress with a stand-up collar on the upper body and a skirt that reached the knees, which outlined her slender but material figure.

It is also equipped with a light khaki painter hat, and crystal black agate ear studs are hung on the white porcelain earlobes.

The lipstick is the selected red, elegant and noble with a little bit of beauty.

Tang Shumi was very satisfied, and went out with her lv bag.

Xu Mingzhu was waiting in the store early, half of the mango velvet on the plate was eaten, and when she saw Shumi came, she flipped through her mobile phone to show her.

Su Zhen's small round face appeared on the screen.

Su Zhen is still moving bricks in broken companies in remote areas. There is no high-end western restaurant, and there is no big shopping mall with luxury goods. The only pastime is to chat with Shumi Xu Mingzhu on voice and video.

From the very beginning, I was madly complaining to them and telling them about their workplace experience with a smile.

This is a restaurant. Tang Shumi didn't bother to listen to her, so she asked Xu Mingzhu to hang up the video.

Xu Mingzhu asked her while eating dessert, "Do you think Su Zhen has become more confident in speaking?"

Tang Shumi raised her eyebrows.

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