Chapter 42

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The charity dinner came to a successful conclusion, and the donations totaled 71 million yuan, which will all be used to support children studying abroad.

Tang Shumi, as the founder of the organization, stayed until the end before leaving.

Ji Linchen stood at the exit, with one hand in his suit trouser pocket and the other on the trouser line.

Is waiting for her.

Tang Shumi looked at the air and passed him straight.

As expected, his arm was pulled.

Tang Shumi turned her head, her expression faintly: "What?"

"Agreement..." Ji Linchen pursed his thin lips.

"Oh, is it signed?"

Ji Linchen frowned, his voice sinking: "Shu Mi, when are you going to make trouble."

"Is it dissatisfied with the content of the agreement?" Tang Shumi thought about it for a moment and smiled: "I don't want the first-grade landscape, do you think it will work?"

Ji Linchen said coldly: "No."

Tang Shumi thoughtfully: "Then draft a new agreement for me according to your wishes."

"Why?" Ji Linchen looked straight into her eyes with a solemn expression.

The wrist was tightened tighter.

Tang Shumi whispered in pain, "Ji Linchen, you hurt me."

Ji Linchen let go: "Why dissolve the marriage contract."

"Why?" Tang Shumi frowned for a moment, then showed a sudden smile: "I don't want to spend time with you."

"Shu Mi." Ji Linchen tried to restrain herself, calling her name coldly.

Tang Shumi let out a cold voice, turned and walked forward.

Ji Linchen looked at her leaving back with a cold expression.

Tang Shumi opened the trunk, took out the sneakers and put on them.

As soon as the car drove out of the cultural center, Tang Shumi saw the black Maybach in the rearview mirror.

She turned the steering wheel to the right and walked in the direction of Yingbin Avenue.

Deliberately circled several times in the middle, and the black Maybach followed her closely.

Whether it was driving slowly or fast, Ji Linchen followed her car unhurriedly.

Tang Shumi finally stopped in front of a barbecue restaurant.

She picked up the platinum bag, opened the door and got out of the car.

In this kind of night market stalls, Tang Shumi, who wore a high-profile dress, attracted attention.

Fortunately, there are not many guests today, very few.

Tang Shumi's gaze was horrified by the cold stare at each other.

Soon it fell on the man who came down from the Maybach.

He is dressed in suits and leather shoes, with a handsome face, with the unique temperament of the upper class.

Like the beautiful woman in front of her, she was too noble to match her surroundings.

Tang Shumi drew a few pieces of paper on the table and laid them on the rubber stool, then bowed her head to adjust the skirt and sat down.

Lifting his eyes again, a shadow fell.

Ji Linchen sat down opposite her.

"What do you want to eat?" The uncle wearing a chef hat and mask came over and put the menu on the table. When he saw Tang Shumi's face, he grinned: "Miss Tang hasn't come for a long time."

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