Chapter 25

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"Shu Mi, listen to me, everything is your illusion." Xu Mingzhu jumped up and grabbed the phone, got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

Tang Shumi sneered: "Illusion? What illusion do you tell me can turn your voice into a man's voice?"

"..." Xu Mingzhu was silent.

"Is it Xu Jiahuan?"

Xu Mingzhu knew that he couldn't hide it, and admitted frankly: "Yes."

Tang Shumi pouted her lips and said unhappily, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't you be annoying all day because of Ji Linchen? I didn't tell you to save you more annoyance."

"Xu Mingzhu, what do you think?"

Didn't she see it through? I promised myself that it was just a whim, and I forgot about Xu Jiahuan in two days. How did he forget?

Xu Mingzhu looked at the figure outside through the frosted door, "I don't know, I just like him anyway."

Tang Shumi frowned, "Can you be more mature? Like to be able to eat as a meal?"

Xu Mingzhu replied: "No, but it's better than rice."

Both sides were silent at the same time.

After a while, Xu Mingzhu said, "The taste of being in love is crazy, I'm already on top."

Tang Shumi: "..."

"Don't talk about this, don't worry, I will take care of it myself." Xu Mingzhu changed the conversation, and then said: "Call me so early, what's the matter?"

Tang Shumi remembered the purpose of her call when she mentioned this. She paused and hesitated whether to speak.

"Shu Mi?" Xu Mingzhu didn't hear the sound, and shouted questioningly.

Tang Shumi took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, then calmly said: "It's like this, I have a friend..."

After talking a lot, she was dry, waiting quietly for Xu Mingzhu's response.

The other end of the phone called her name, "Tang Shumi."

"You said."

"I think you too...", she paused and said seriously: "It's up."

Tang Shumi: "..."

Xu Mingzhu relentlessly punctured her: "Jiejie, I said 800 years ago, you like Ji Linchen! You like Ji Linchen! You like Ji Linchen!"

Important things have to be said three times, but how many times can some people just be inaudible like deaf people,

"No, I don't, I don't like it!"

"I beg you, is it hard to admit that you like it?"

"Why should I admit that there is nothing?"

"Solution, do you know a great theorem?"

"What theorem?"

"Zhenxiang may be late, but he will never be absent."


Xu Mingzhu sighed: "I ask you, isn't Ji Linchen worthy of your liking?"

Tang Shumi thought for a while, and began to waver, "It's worth looking at that face."

Xu Mingzhu really wanted to applaud her, "That's not right!"

"Okay, I admit it." Tang Shumi gritted her teeth like a dying strong man, "I like him, I like his face, and his money."

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