Chapter 30

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Tang Shumi held up her mobile phone and took three consecutive shots.

Pick out the most beautiful one and send it to Ji Linchen.

The photo reveals her fair and delicate half of her small face. Behind her is a sea of ​​red roses. A few rays of sunlight are flying through the hair, forming a small burst of light around the corner of her eyes, dreamy and blurred, and beautiful.

Tang Shumi: [Does it look good? 】

After waiting for a few minutes, Ji Linchen did not reply to WeChat. She tapped her fingertips to open Weibo.

Yesterday, Tang Porcelain’s statement was immediately reposted by several big v. The original blog reposted tens of thousands, the number of likes was 10w+, there were tens of thousands of comments, and the floor was extremely high.

Below the statement are all fans wailing and crying.

[Porcelain, we love you, we always think you are talented and kind, I am so sad to see you being maliciously spread rumors]

[The current bloggers really dare to say anything, don’t forget, spreading rumors is also going to jail! 】

[Support porcelain, good people are always jealous, and innocent people are thrown with dirty water. 】

[Please, isn't it true that all step sisters in the world are vicious? I am reorganizing the family, and my step-sister is kind to me, better than my own sister. 】


Tang Shumi chuckled and quit Weibo.

Worthy of being the queen of Weibo, she is almost believed to be believed.

"Shu Mi, what did you spray today is rose perfume?" Xu Mingzhu sniffed.

When she was at least ten steps away, she smelled a faint scent of rose. As Tang Shumi got closer and closer, the scent became stronger and stronger, which was simply pungent.

Xu Mingzhu pinched her nose and frowned, "Did the perfume spilled?"

Tang Shumi: "No."

Xu Mingzhu raised her hand to fan the wind, disgustingly said, "It's too thick."

What can she do? She has changed her clothes.

"Went to Bulgaria to see roses last night?" Xu Mingzhu teased her.

Tang Shumi said indifferently: "It can be understood that way."

The steward said that all the roses were shipped by air from Bulgaria, known as the "Rose State".

Xu Mingzhu: "..."

It takes about 14 hours to fly from Jiangcheng to Bulgaria, and nearly 30 hours back and forth.

Tang Shumi went there in a dream.

Since the art gallery, the two spent their afternoon tea time in the office on the top floor.

Xu Mingzhu was still eating her favorite matcha cake, while Tang Shumi was sitting at her desk, sorting out the roster of exhibits on the opening day.

It is said that serious men are the most handsome, but serious women are also beautiful.

Xu Mingzhu had a small piece of cake crossed in his hand, staring at Tang Shumi's delicate profile in a daze, before sending the cake to his mouth for a long time.

Tang Shumi inadvertently raised her eyes, just to see Xu Mingzhu's stupid look, she couldn't help being a little funny: "What's so nice?"

Xu Mingzhu retracted her gaze and rolled her eyes, "Do you think I should find something to do, so that it will become beautiful."

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