Chapter 24

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As the manager of a luxury store, Li Qiang sees a lot of wealthy and wayward people, but it is the first time I have seen someone as wayward as these two.

In the middle of the night, I was personally called by the director of the Asia-Pacific region to open the door for business. Tonight will be the most memorable night in my career.

He stood trembling next to this man of aura, lest he be unhappy with his imperfect service.

The female shopping guide who was also called out from the bed was picking clothes for Miss Tang, covering her mouth tightly with one hand, and she couldn't yawn.

"Does this skirt look good?" Tang Shumi came out of the dressing room and turned around in front of him.

She prefers black, and she fell in love with this pure black velvet skirt at a glance.

Ji Linchen's eyes didn't move, "It's okay."

Tang Shumi is slender and slender, with delicate features and porcelain-white skin. She looks good in everything she wears.


If you look around in a circle in front of you, just use the word okay as a perfunctory?

"It's more than okay, it's just too good! Miss Tang's body proportions are perfect, and she looks better than Denves's own supermodel." The shopping guide showed a standard business smile, not out of performance praise.

She has also worked as a shopping guide in a luxury store for a year and has seen many female stars active in front of the screen. Tang Shumi's face, this figure, this temperament completely slapped a number of female stars.

Tang Shumi curled her lips, she was still good-sounding with the shopping guide's little sister, and she was exaggerated by the praise, and the corners of her mouth could not stop slightly aroused.

The shopping guide continued: "This dress is a limited edition custom made, Jiangcheng only has two, one was taken by a female star today, this is the last one."

Hearing this, Tang Shumi frowned slightly, the corners of her mouth suddenly drooping, and she was unhappy at the sight.

This skirt was originally a must-buy, but now he hesitated, as arrogant as Tang Shumi, and would not allow others to collide with himself.

"Buy if you like." Ji Linchen didn't know what she was struggling with.

Tang Shumi is guilty of choice difficulties, "I will think about it."

Ji Linchen raised his hand to look at his watch, the hour hand pointing to 2 o'clock.

Five hours later, he will rush back to city a to hold a progress report meeting.

Tang Shumi hasn't made a decision yet.

After a while, Ji Linchen turned his head to the manager and said, "Pack all the new products."

"Okay, okay." The manager nodded quickly and trot to go with the shopping guide lady to pack new products.

Within half an hour, he raised his hand and looked at the watch twice.

Knowing that he was impatient, Tang Shumi raised her eyebrows, her tone raised lazily: "Ji Linchen, you are really rich, I haven't tried it yet, what if I don't like it?"

Ji Linchen ignored her deliberate joking and said indifferently: "Go back and try again. If you don't like it, let it go."

Tang Shumi turned her head away from him.

Buy it, buy it, anyway, it's a dog man's money.

She was taken aback when the car stopped at the Denves store.

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