Chapter 22

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"I just got off the plane, come here to pick you up." He walked up to Tang Shumi, reached out the wet hair on his cheeks, his voice slowed down, "Have you eaten?"

Tang Shumi pursed her lips and shook her head.

He deliberately ignored the glowing eyes and raised his hand to look at his watch: "It's getting late, go home and eat."

Tang Shumi nodded, her voice was very small: "Okay."

Nuo Da's rain seemed to float outside, and the car was quiet.

Tang Shu looked out the window dumbfoundedly, and the flashing street lights were fainted with neon light by the rain, illusory and hazy.

She will not take the initiative to say what happened.

She did not take the initiative to say, and Ji Linchen would not ask.

After returning to Mingyuan in silence all the way, Tang Shumi went straight to the bathroom, the hot steam rising up, rushing to flush her cheeks.

As soon as she walked out of the bathroom, she smelled the fragrance of the floating food.

There were several dishes on the table, all her favorite, Tang Shumi pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Blow dry your hair first." Ji Linchen came out of the kitchen with a small bowl of **** soup in his hand.

Tang Shumi Nunuu mouthed, looked at the fragrant dishes on the table and swallowed a small sip, "Wait a moment, I will go after eating."

Ji Linchen frowned and put the **** soup in front of her, "Drink the soup first."

He just went downstairs to pick up the ingredients, and the butler reminded that it is better to drink a bowl of **** soup to get dampness warm after the rain.

Tang Shumi sniffed and looked disgusted: "It smells so bad, I don't want to drink it."

Ji Linchen condensed his eyebrows and looked at her, Tang Shumi knew that the resistance was ineffective, so she held up the bowl in a slanderous manner.

The smell of **** was too strong and it was very strong. She pinched her nose and wrinkled her face, sipping in small mouthfuls.

Just two sips, Ji Linchen snatched the bowl: "Don't worry if you can't drink it, just take cold medicine later."

Tang Shumi nodded, blinked again, and glanced at the food on the table: "You made these?"

Ji Linchen put down the bowl and said softly, "Could it be you did it?"

"I thought it was made by auntie." She looks so good-looking, she doesn't believe it was made by a chaebol.

"Blow your hair before eating." Ji Linchen frowned as he looked at her wet hair.

Tang Shumi pouted and said, "I don't want it, I'm hungry, I want to eat first."

"Come here." Ji Linchen took her hand and walked to the bedroom.

Tang Shumi didn't resist, so she followed him in a daze.

Same as last time, she sat on the head of the bed while Ji Linchen stood blowing her hair.

After blowing her hair, Tang Shumi rushed to the dining table and hurried to the kitchen after finding that there were no dishes.

"Ji Linchen, where is the bowl?" Tang Shumi called out.

She had never used the refrigerator to get water or facial masks when she entered the kitchen. She had never touched the kitchen utensils, and she hadn't found the bowl for a long time.

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