Chapter 32

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The overnight madness made Tang Shumi suspect that Ji Linchen came back not because he was worried about being hit by the Internet, but because he was thinking about it.

The man on the opposite side ate the sandwich slowly, his eyes swept over the back of her hand inadvertently, his brows frowned: "How?"

Tang Shumi looked down, and there was a small piece of red on the back of his hand, which was splashed by oil when he was learning to cook the day before yesterday.

"Uh, it was accidentally burnt after drinking coffee." Tang Shumi raised her eyes and looked at him, "There was a scald cream."

"How old you are, you are still so careless." Ji Linchen said calmly.

Tang Shumi pursed her lips, but said nothing.

I thought to myself, am I easy? Not for you yet!

"Do you want to go back to city a today?" Tang Shumi put down the silver spoon.


Tang Shumi: "When do you leave?"

According to Ji Linchen's business volume, it is not surprising to return in the middle of the night.

Ji Linchen: "After breakfast."

Tang Shumi: "You are really busy."

Ji Linchen raised his eyes, "When this week is over, I will come back and stay a few more days."

Tang Shumi looked at him.

He said: "Be with you."

When talking about marriage yesterday, Tang Shumi's resisting attitude made him very puzzled. After thinking about it, maybe the two of them spent too little time together.

Tang Shumi slowly said "?"

"You don't love your broken company?" Tang Shumi raised her eyebrows.

Ji Linchen let out a soft voice.

Only Tang Shumi dare to say that the Ji Group is a broken company.

Ji Linchen said frankly: "Career and family need to be balanced."

Tsk tusk, this is Ji Linchen who is so sensible.

With a successful career, the family is not yet happy.

"Thank you for putting me in front of the company temporarily." Tang Shumi teased him.

Ji Linchen frowned: "How can you eat the company's jealousy?"

? ? ?

! ! !

Tang Shumi took a deep breath, resisting the urge to rush over and knock the dog man's face crooked.

Ji Linchen ignored her anger, and said indifferently: "Have you finished eating?"

Tang Shumi glanced at him, "No."

"If you don't have it, continue." Ji Linchen stood up and said, "I will send you to the art gallery after eating."


Today’s weather is good and the sun is plentiful. It is full of warmth in this late autumn.

A black Land Rover parked at the entrance of Zone A1 of Expo City.

Tang Shumi opened the door and got out of the car, walked two steps, and went back.

Tap the car window.

The window slowly dropped, revealing Ji Linchen's cold and expensive face.

Tang Shumi said: "Remember to come back this week."

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