Chapter 36

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Holding a brand new shopping bag, Xu Mingzhu stood at the door waiting for Tang Shumi to open the door.

The logo on the shopping bag is a trademark of a well-known mobile phone.

Last night, Tang Shumi called her and asked her to buy a new mobile phone and a calling card, and to bring Shanshui Yipin this morning.

After Tang Shumi said thank you, she hung up the phone, and when she called back, no one answered.

Since they are all back to the first grade of Shanshui, Shumi must have quarreled with Ji Linchen again.

However, Ji Linchen has stayed in city a during this period, and no matter how much the two quarreled, Shumi wouldn't be able to return to Shanshui Yipin.

After waiting for a long time, the door finally opened.

Only a small gap was opened, and the person inside turned and entered the room.

Xu Mingzhu opened the door and went in, following Tang Shumi.

She sighed: "What happened to you and Ji Linchen?"

"Don't presume his name in front of me." Tang Shumi suddenly turned around and said every word.

That way, it seemed to hate him.

"Now, the phone you want." Xu Mingzhu handed her the bag.

Tang Shumi took it and threw it on the sofa.

"I didn't sleep well last night?" Xu Mingzhu leaned forward and looked at her face carefully, hey, "Why are your eyes swollen?"

Xu Mingzhu frowned, " won't cry all night, right?"

"No, drinking too much water and swelling." Tang Shumi turned around and walked to the bedroom.

Xu Mingzhu ran two steps, rushed in front of her, turned to face her, and pointed her eyes again: "Your eyes are still red."

Tang Shumi said coldly: "No, you are wrong."

"You go and look in the mirror." Xu Mingzhu pushed her and stood in front of the full-length mirror. "Look for yourself, your eyes are not red."

As she said, she blinked twice, "Look at my eyes again."

Tang Shumi looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes were quite red compared to Xu Mingzhu.

"I said you didn't cry." Xu Mingzhu pierced her.

Tang Shumi had no expression: "I was crying."

"What's the matter?" Xu Mingzhu asked.

Tang Shumi glanced at her: "Your eyes are in the sand."

"..." Xu Mingzhu gave her a glance, turned around and walked to the side of the bed to sit down, patted the edge of the bed, "Come and sit down, say slowly, I will definitely help you scold Ji Linchen **** today."

Tang Shumi sat next to her, looked at the exquisite mural on the wall, and calmly told the whole story.

After Xu Mingzhu finished listening, she calmed Tang Shumi: "Don't be too angry, maybe something really happened."

Tang Shumi looked at her: "Don't you know me? I'm pretty good, but usually I work in principle."

The sudden look made Xu Mingzhu startled slightly.

This is the first time she has heard of a woman confessing her work.

But what the **** is principled work?

Tang Shumi continued: "If he made a phone call and said personally, I wouldn't be so angry. Sudden situation? Oh, just these four words, it is really a treasure."

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