Chapter 8

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"Shumi, your complexion doesn't look good, is it uncomfortable?" Xu Mingzhu found that Shumi was lacking in interest, and she was not even interested in visiting Hermes.

"I didn't sleep well last night." Shumi said.

I took painkillers last night and still felt a little pain. I didn't fall asleep until dawn.

Xu Mingzhu worried: "What's wrong? Is the bed not soft enough?"

"No, it's auntie——" Shumi paused suddenly. How could Xu Mingzhu think it was a bed problem?

A light flashed suddenly, Shumi quickly opened the platinum bag and took out the phone to read the call log.

The number one call is impressively: Fairy’s ATM

In alphabetical order, Ji Linchen's remarks happened to be next to Xu Mingzhu.

Shu Mi covered her eyes with a slap, and Xu Mingzhu was so frightened that she asked what was wrong.

"Nothing." Shu Mi took a deep breath and said calmly, "It's just the wrong call last night."

"Who did you call?"

"Ji Linchen."

Xu Mingzhu:? !

How can I settle the account? I called first.

"What did you say?" Xu Mingzhu asked cautiously.

Tang Shumi briefly described: "My aunt is here, her stomach hurts, and she is delivering medicine."

Xu Mingzhu covered her mouth and screamed: "Oh my God, you showed weakness to him!"

Tang Shumi:...

Tang Shumi's black question mark face: "Is there any remedy?"

Xu Mingzhu touched her chin: "You let me think about it."

"Just tell him that you made a mistake."

"How to say?"

"Uh-h-" Xu Mingzhu snapped his fingers, "said on WeChat."

Tang Shumi took a deep breath: "Okay!"

Just do it, Tang Shumi searched out Ji Linchen's WeChat account from dozens of people's contacts with the surname j, and typed.

Tang Shumi: [I made the wrong call last night, not for you. 】

She thought about it, and then sent a little turtle emoji package.

Tang Shumi: ["Dignified"]

When Tang Shumi sent the message, it was already evening in Jiangcheng, and the sunset glow became one piece, and the sky was burning red.

After Ji Linchen signed the contract, Zhao Yan handed over the phone.

"There is Miss Tang's WeChat."

Ji Linchen glanced briefly: "What is that?"

His eyes fell on the silly big caterpillar. Look carefully, there is also a round black seal on its face, expressing the word "dignified". Ji Linchen thought it was stupid no matter how he looked at it.

Zhao Yan replied: "Expression pack."

Ji Linchen picked up the phone and asked indifferently, "Where did she find this bug?"

The Qing Dynasty has been dead for a hundred years. Zhao Yan is definitely not a 21st century young man like Ji Linchen who doesn't even know about WeChat emojis.

"Mr. Ji,...this is not a bug." Zhao Yan was a little embarrassed.

"Oh." Ji Linchen glanced at him lightly, "what is that?"

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