Chapter 54

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In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, and it was gradually entering deep winter, and the weather was getting colder and colder.

Tang Shumi stayed at home all day long, and even m-tree went to inspect the situation only once every other day. Ji Linchen laughed at her in hibernation.

"Are you afraid of the cold?" Tang Shumi was wrapped in a pure white coral velvet pajamas and huddled on the sofa to watch the drama, with two pink rabbit ears hanging behind her hat, cute and cute.

Ji Linchen walked up to her and sat down. He had just returned and didn't even change the home clothes: "I heard Zhao Yan said that this year is not as cold as last year."

"Oh." Tang Shumi stared straight at the TV. The idol drama was performing the most exciting scene in which the heroine was pressed against the wall by the hero.

She said "Hey", and the corners of her mouth could not be restrained upwards. The kiss scene was quiet and tasteful, and the girl's heart was overflowing, completely ignoring someone on the side.

Ji Linchen stretched his hand over her shoulder and watched with her.

After the kiss scene was over, Tang Shumi looked back and turned her head to look at him: "Isn't it cold this year?"

"That's what Zhao Yan said." Ji Linchen said.

"Oh oh." Tang Shumi turned his gaze to the screen again, and said casually: "I was not in Jiangcheng last year. I went to Hainan for the winter."

Ji Linchen frowned.

Tang Shumi didn't hear the person next to him answering for a long time.

It seems that at this time last year, she had a conversation with Ji Linchen.

The content is not clear, but it is certain that she lied and said that she was in Jiangcheng, and I can't remember why she lied.

"I'm afraid of the cold, Jiangcheng won't see the sun in winter." Tang Shumi was taken aback for a moment, and turned her head to explain.

Ji Linchen faintly said "Uh", raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. Recently, the group's system reform has been very busy when he leaves early and returns late.

Seeing that he didn't pursue it, Tang Shumi thought about it in her heart: "Jiangcheng is so cold, I want to go to Chiang Mai for the winter."

"I'll be with you when I'm done for a while." Ji Linchen said.

Tang Shumi narrowed her mouth: "This winter will be over when you finish."

"I don't worry about you alone." Ji Linchen met her gaze.

Tang Shumi turned and folded her legs: "I was alone in the past years."

"This year is different, you have me." Ji Linchen said lightly.

"..." Tang Shumi discussed: "Just stay for half a month, you have been busy recently, waiting for me to come back just for the New Year."

Ji Linchen didn't say a word, Tang Shumi tugged at his sleeve and said coquettishly: "I'm staying at home all day, and I'm about to get sick."

He still didn't speak.

Tang Shumi approached him and gave him a kiss: "In Chiang Mai, I can still go out and visit the night market every day."

"Two weeks." Ji Linchen opened his lips lightly.

She is afraid of the cold, she just wants to go out to play.

Tang Shumi was so excited that she almost didn't jump up: "Two weeks will do!"

Ji Linchen chuckled invisibly.

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